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Документ Identification of PhD students’ subject specific and generic competences and their integration in EAP syllabus(2021) Rumiantseva, Olena A.; Румянцева, Олена АнатоліївнаThe aim of the paper is to provide an analysis of the most important subject specific and generic competences needed within a framework of EAP Syllabus for a successful implementation in the further PhDs students’ academic and professional life. Although some attempts have been made to address the issue, the previous investigations were not focused on EAP-related competences. From the quantitative and comparative analyses, there were identified basic competences. The pre-course and post-course surveys were carried out to compare the PhDs’ expectations with competences developed and implemented in real life situations. The study shows that PhDs are able to generate competences needed for the course, analyse them and assess own achievements in the process of learning.