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Документ Directions of activation of ecoturism development in Ukraine(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2020) Tranchenko, L. V.; Yavorska, Viktoriia V.; Kolomiiets, Kateryna V.; Транченко, Л. В.; Яворська, Вікторія Володимирівна; Коломієць, Катерина Володимирівна; Яворская, Виктория Владимировна; Коломиец, Екатерина ВладимировнаThis study raises issues related to the current state of ecotourism and prospects for its development in our country. Under ecological tourism we understand the form of nature-oriented tourism, carried out in order to learn about wildlife and destination culture, which does not violate the integrity of the ecosystem, designed to contribute to the conservation of natural resources, environmental protection and socio-economic development of the tourist area. According to the World Tourism Organization, Ukraine has great potential for the development of ecotourism and the opportunity to be on the list of leading countries in this area. However, there are a number of limitations and problems that restrain the more active development of ecotourism in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to investigate the reasons for the insufficient development of ecotourism in Ukraine and to substantiate the directions of its intensification in the country. The comparative characteristics of the areas of protected areas of the world and Ukraine indicate that in Ukraine and some CIS countries is dominated by a small number of protected areas, but with a large average area in contrast to countries such as Canada, Australia, Sweden, Norway, which have much more protected territories with their relatively small average area. It is noted that in Ukraine, in contrast to a number of foreign countries, where there are more accurate methods of calculating the tourist flow, it is very difficult to estimate the real flow of visitors to national parks, due to the lack of unambiguous methods of counting visitors. To promote ecological tourism, the administration of national parks is recommended to present parks at international tourism exhibitions, cooperate more actively with tour operators and travel agents, develop the park's infrastructure and recreational activities within it, offering tourists new routes.Документ Environmentalization of hotel and restaurant business(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2023) Tereschuk, N. V.; Tranchenko, L. V.; Tranchenko, O. M.; Shashero, Antonina M.; Терещук, Н. В.; Транченко, Л. В.; Транченко, О. М.; Шашеро, Антоніна МиколаївнаThe aim of this article is to summarize and methodize the current information about ecological problems of hotel and restaurant sector, including Ukraine; to identify the main principles with the aim of ecologization of this tourism component based on world experience. Due to the current state of the world, Covid-19 eco-friendly hotels are also in a good position. Greening is an added security health. Organic cuisine supports strong immunity. Natural and hypoallergenic materials in the hotel equipment have only a positive effect on the human body. Landscaping and interior landscaping spacious rooms provide cleaner air and favorable conditions for living, wellness, and rest. Worsening factors have emerged environmental indicators (increase in waste, mandatory individual packaging, etc.). The current state of hotel activities has led to the search for new one’s environmental measures and development strategies. In recent decades, the hotel business in Ukraine has been developing dynamically. Significant changes have been made for account of entering the market of hotel services of international networks such as Rixos, Rezidor, Hyatt, Wyndham Hotel Group. The policy of their activities contributed adjustments to the competitive position of the industry. Signs efficient hotel facility is a high level and quality control of services, environmental orientation, modern equipment and innovative technologies.Документ Features of communication in the hospitality industry in the context of globalization(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2021) Tranchenko, L. V.; Yavorska, Viktoriia V.; Sych, Vitalii A.; Timchuk, S. V.; Tereschuk, N. V.; Транченко, Л. В.; Яворська, Вікторія Володимирівна; Сич, Віталій Андрійович; Тимчук, С. В.; Терещук, Н. В.; Яворская, Виктория Владимировна; Сыч, Виталий Андреевич; Тымчук, С. В.In this study, the authors raise the question that tourism, the tourism industry constructs a special space created by hotels, transport infrastructure, a special form of organization of tourist facilities, and so on. The beginning of the XXI century is characterized by the dominance of globalization trends in the development of international relations. The world market of goods and services is becoming a single global economic space in which the development of a particular segment is a natural consequence of the effectiveness of internationalization, transnationalization and international communication. The purpose of the article is to find out the communication features in the field of tourism in the context of globalization of modern society. The task of the research is to determine the ways for the tourist to overcome the inconveniences when getting acquainted with the foreign culture of other countries; to investigate the optimal model of interaction between national and international parameters of service culture in the field of hospitality. In terms of cross-cultural communications, characteristic of tourism as one of the dominant factors in the globalization of modern society and the front of the clash of cultures, it is necessary to take into account national characteristics, manifested in latent form in relation to the world and values, behaviour, communication methods, inclinations and passions, in a way of life, in traditions and habits. A safe form of immersion in a foreign environment is a culture of service, and European standards act as a mediating space between tourists and foreign culture. The standardized culture of service and the accepted business etiquette are capable to compensate a culture shock, for this purpose in the country professional culture of the employee of sphere of hospitality has to develop.Документ Theoretical approaches to the creation and realization of competitive advantages by a tourist enterprise(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2020) Tranchenko, L. V.; Yavorska, Viktoriia V.; Tranchenko, O. M.; Sych, Vitalii A.; Kolomiiets, Kateryna V.; Транченко, Л. В.; Яворська, Вікторія Володимирівна; Транченко, О. М.; Сич, Віталій Андрійович; Коломієць, Катерина Володимирівна; Яворская, Виктория Владимировна; Сыч, Виталий Андреевич; Коломиец, Екатерина ВладимировнаThe most important feature of a market economy is competition. Travel services as managed processes are influenced by the environment, the main part of which is competition. This means that tourism management takes into account the impact of competition when making management decisions. Travel firms do their work not in isolation, but based on the activities of other firms. In addition, the firm is focused on consumer interests. The purpose of the article is to consider the features of managing a travel company in a competitive environment and to substantiate methodological approaches to create and realize competitive advantages, which gives the tourism management a purposeful character. It is advisable to use SWOT analysis to identify the role of competition in the tourism industry. In terms of its role in tourism, SWOT analysis can be seen as an element of tourism management. When performing tourist services, it is envisaged to structure tourism factors according to the components of SWOT analysis. To this end, an examination of all the tools of tourism management and its manifestation in this tourism company and in the external environment. The SWOT analysis should be guided by the indicators of the ideal model of this tourism firm (benchmarking), which should be developed in the framework of tourism management. An integral part of competitive environment research is competition diagnostics. To diagnose competition in the tourist services market consists of the following stages: identification of travel companies located in this target market; collection of initial information; bringing natural, value and financial indicators to comparative attention; determining the type of market according to the marketing typology (seller's market, buyer's market); calculation of indicators that reflect the state of the market (by marketing methods); determination of the location of the tourist firm (market shares) at the end of the base and analyzed periods; calculation of indicators and indicators of competition;.calculation of the degree of market monopolization; factorial analysis of the dynamics of market shares of travel firms - competitors; choosing the type of statistical distribution of market shares; building a competitive map of the tourist market; situational analysis and forecasting of competition strategy in the market of a given travel company. These stages are specified using specially developed techniques - their variety allows you to choose the ones that best take into account the features of the functioning of the tourist services market. In order to evaluate the competitive environment of the tourist market, it is advisable to determine the indicators - competition indices.Документ Розвиток індустрії туризму та гостинності в Україні(2020) Білецька, Н. В.; Транченко, Л. В.; Яворська, Вікторія Володимирівна; Транченко, О. М.; Мазур, Г. О.; Biletska, N. V.; Tranchenko, L. V.; Yavorska, Viktoriia V.; Tranchenko, O. M.; Mazur, G. О.; Яворская, Виктория ВладимировнаСьогодні в умовах глобальних перебудов і переорієнтації галузей економіки важливим є зростання потреб і мотивів людей до туристичної діяльності. Туризм як галузь економіки поступово займає лідерські позиції в багатьох країнах світу, а також у перспективі і в Україні. Отже, маємо значний нереалізований людський, природно-ресурсний, історико-культурний, туристично-рекреаційний та науково-технічний потенціал, вдале географічне розміщення, сприятливий клімат. Також особливості ситуації в країні, економічна та політична нестабільність, умови військового конфлікту підштовхують до подальшої розбудови нашої держави, яка обов’язково повинна включати створення умов для розвитку туристичної галузі. При цьому формування високорозвинутої індустрії туризму та її інтеграція у світовий ринок туристичних послуг пов’язані з необхідністю вирішення гострих соціально-економічних проблем і залучення міжнародного досвіду. У статті розкрито, що феноменом ХХІ ст. визначають сьогодні індустрію гостинності, що стала одним із провідних напрямів соціально-економічної діяльності. Доведено, що це бізнес ХХІ ст., який сприяє створенню нових робочих місць, пошуку методів підвищення конкурентоспроможності підприємств на світовому рівні, популяризації країни на міжнародному ринку послуг та, як наслідок, підвищенню рівня національної економіки. Проте впродовж останніх років індустрія гостинності в Україні перебуває у стані стагнації, тому визначення факторів впливу на розвиток індустрії є актуальним, адже за допомогою отриманих знань можна запобігти деградації однієї з найперспективніших галузей міжнародного бізнесу. У статті розглянуто вплив чинників на розвиток індустрії гостинності, економічні дослідження потенційних можливостей цієї галузі в межах загальної стратегії соціально-економічного розвитку світу загалом та України зокрема.