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Документ 16s rdna analysis of microbial communities in Danube delta region of the Black Sea(Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016) Bobrova, Oleksandra Ye.; Kristoffersen, Jon BentDanube’s delta in the Black Sea is natural environment where river and seawater mix forming a unique ecosystem. Danube is the second biggest river in Europe and is an active transport vehicle. Bacteria are brought here from all the Europe with the river flow and get into marine conditions. Bacterial communities from the Danube River and its tributaries have been largely described (Winter et al, 2006). In this work we aimed to study bacterial diversity in the Black Sea water as well the impact of Danube river flow at their communities’ composition. We provide a comparative analysis of our samples to public data and analyze if the studied area is characterized by typical marine or river microbial inhabitants.Документ Metagenomic 16s rRNA investigation of microbial communities in the Black Sea estuaries in South-West of Ukraine(2016) Bobrova, Oleksandra Ye.; Kristoffersen, Jon Bent; Oulas, Anastasis; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Иваница, Владимир Алексеевич; Іваниця, Володимир ОлексійовичThe Black Sea estuaries represent interfaces of the sea and river environments. Microorganisms that inhabit estuarine water play an integral role in all biochemical processes that occur there and form unique ecosystems. There are many estuaries located in the Southern-Western part of Ukraine and some of them are already separated from the sea. The aim of this research was to determine the composition of microbial communities in the Khadzhibey, Dniester and Sukhyi estuaries by metagenomic 16S rDNA analysis. This study is the first complex analysis of estuarine microbiota based on isolation of total DNA from a biome that was further subjected to sequencing. DNA was extracted from water samples and sequenced on the Illumina Miseq platform using primers to the V4 variable region of the 16S rRNA gene. Computer analysis of the obtained raw sequences was done with QIIME (Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology) software. As the outcome, 57970 nucleotide sequences were retrieved. Bioinformatic analysis of bacterial community in the studied samples demonstrated a high taxonomic diversity of Prokaryotes at above genus level. It was shown that majority of 16S rDNA bacterial sequences detected in the estuarine samples belonged to phyla Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Planctomycetes. The Khadhzibey estuary was dominated by the Proteobacteria phylum, while Dniester and Sukhyi estuaries were characterized by dominance of Cyanobacteria. The differences in bacterial populations between the Khadzhibey, Dniester and Sukhyi estuaries were demonstrated through the Beta-diversity analysis. It showed that the Khadzhibey estuary’s microbial community significantly varies from the Sukhyi and Dniester estuaries. The majority of identified bacterial species is known as typical inhabitants of marine environments, however, for 2.5% of microbial population members in the studied estuaries no relatives were determined.Документ Next generation sequencing: methods for Shotgun sequencing and amplicon sequencing(Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016) Kristoffersen, Jon Bent; Bobrova, Oleksandra Ye.Next-generation sequencing technologies have evolved rapidly during the last decade. Here’s an overview of the current leading sequencing technologies and examples of their applications. Illumina, Inc., currently has a leading position among sequencing technology companies. Illumina has a range of instruments, from the low-throughput MiniSeq for small labs to HiSeq x10 for very highthroughput. Pacific Biosciences Inc. is another sequence technology company, whose instruments delivered greater read lengths than Illumina. Oxford Nanopore also delivers long read lengths, but with sequence instruments that are far smaller than Pacific Biosciences.Документ Біологічна різноманітність бактерій грунту батіалі та поверхневих вод Чорного моря(Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка, 2015) Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Боброва, Олександра Євгенівна; Остапчук, А. М.; Крістофферсен, Й. Б.; Коротаєва, Надія Володимирівна; Лісютін, Г. В.; Чабан, Микола Миколайович; Штенніков, М.; Иваница, Владимир Алексеевич; Боброва, Александра Евгеньевна; Остапчук, А. М.; Кристофферсен, Й. Б.; Коротаева, Надежда Владимировна; Лисютин, Г. В.; Чабан, Николай Николаевич; Штенников, М.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Bobrova, Oleksandra Ye.; Ostapchuk, A. M.; Kristoffersen, Jon Bent; Korotaieva, Nadiia V.; Lisiutin, H. V.; Chaban, Mykola M.; Shtennikov, Mykola D.Метагеномний аналіз морської води Одеського прибережжя виявив наявність представників 1006 оперативних таксономічних одиниць (OTO) 8 основних філюмів домену Bacteria. Встановлено співвідношення функціональних кластерів груп генів метагеному, що відповідають за біологічні процеси, молекулярно-біологічні функції та синтез клітинних компоненти. ПЛР-аналіз виявив присутність в пробах морського ґрунту унікальні специфічні послідовності нуклеотидів для представників анаммоксбактерій родів Candidatus Brocadia и Candidatus Kuenenia, Scalidua wagneri і Scalidua sorokinii. Вперше у зразках глибоководного ґрунту сірководневої батіалі Чорного моря виявлено аеробні мікроорганізми, притаманні для поверхневих вод у кількості до 104 КУО. За результатами аналізу жирно-кислотного складу та ПЛР-аналізу досліджувані штами віднесені до 15 видів спороутворювальних аеробних бактерій.