Рассуждения о революции и контрреволюции в России
Науковий керівник
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Эта книга посвящена сравнительному анализу двух российских револю-ций начала и конца ХХ века. От Октября 1917 до Октября 1993 —русский маятник совершил свое тяжкое движение от одной крайней точки к другой и, по идее, начал обратное движение. Эта связанность двух революций силой отталкивания образует общую диспозицию книги: две революции противостоят, как полюса магнита. Очевидно, что вторая революция по отношению к первой является контрреволюцией, поскольку направлена против идей и принципов Октября 1917 года. Как к ним относиться? Обе принять как историческую неизбежность? Или все же выработать критерий оценки и высказаться в пользу одной из них? Нельзя ведь одновременно быть красным и белым. Развернутым ответом на этот вопрос является данная книга.
Автор определил жанр своей книги как памфлет, хотя и стремился ее за-ключить в строгие формы научного сочинения. Книга состоит из введения, пяти частей, заключения, списка использованной литературы и именного указателя.
Заголовок введения — «Революция и «честные выборы» (Вместо введения)».
Автор не разделяет старательно насаждаемого ныне отрицательного отношения к революциям как актам гражданского вандализма. Здесь политическое лицемерие одних накладывается на политический наив других. Якобы демократические выборы способны разрешить те эпохальные противоречия, которые требуют для своего разрешения кардинальных перемен. Нигде в ми-ре такого не бывало. Великие вопросы голосованием не разрешаются. Вернее, голосуют штыки. Поэтому в истории небоскребами возвышаются великие революции – французская, американская и русская. Последняя определила своим содержанием весь ХХ век. Она поистине мировая. Как бы сегодня не изгалялись историки и публицисты новейшей школы, в 1918 году в Кремле сидел «мечтатель» Ленин, в 1945-м над Рейхстагом развевалось Красное Знамя Победы, а в 1961-м весь мир был восхищен гагаринским взлетом советской науки.
Мы оплакиваем жертвы, что делает их ненапрасными. Пролитая кровь всегда несет в себе искупление. Но сознательная ложь, подлость, преступление не могут быть оправданы обстоятельствами и насильственной природой политики. Нравственный критерий должен преобладать над всеми другими оценками и доводами, иначе погружение в грязь и кровь для человечества станет фатальным. Поэтому авторский девиз несколько иной, чем у Спинозы, а именно: «не проклинать, а понимать; понимать, но не прощать».
Первая часть посвящена Революции. В ней анализируются основные этапы Великой русской революции 1917 года, ее закономерный ход и исход. Октябрь стал триумфом большевизма. Но большевизм – это не просто марксистская партия в России. В первую очередь большевизм есть продукт русской истории и в этом качестве он значительно шире того исторического феномена, который возник в 1903 году. Большевизм есть не социальная физика, а метафизика русской революции. Во всей культуре России общественная мысль, по крайней мере, последних трех веков обнаруживает мощную интенцию к большевизму. «Большевик на троне» Петр Великий, «большевик на броневике» Ленин и «большевик на танке» Ельцин ярко символизируют эту традицию революционного перехода от одной эпохе к другой, от одной Рос-сии к другой, от одной формы государственности к другой – с неизменной доминантой сильной государственной власти, удерживающей в системном порядке гигантские пространства.
Вторая часть посвящена, соответственно, контрреволюции 90-х годов. В ней дается ее периодизация, вскрывается большевистское содержание деятельности команды Ельцина-Гайдара. «Черный Октябрь» 1993 года (расстрел из танков и штурм Белого дома) однозначно характеризуется как антиконституционная попытка разрешить кризис двоевластия в свою пользу рвущихся во что бы то ни стало к власти Ельцина и его сторонников. Она вылилась в минигражданскую войну, ответственность за которую полностью ложится на последних. Показательно, что Ельцин нашел поддержку на Западе, которого не смутил его ошеломляюще антидемократический государственный переворот.
Третья часть озаглавлена «Большевистский психотип». В ней на приме-рах выдающихся «большевиков» Петра Первого, Ленина, Ельцина и Гайдара выявляются основные черты большевистского психотипа.
Часть четвертая называется «Идеология либерального необольшевизма». В ней раскрывается суть современного идеологического творчества контрреволюционных либеральных западников на примерах «практика» Б.А. Березовского и «теоретиков» В.К. Кантора и А.А. Кара-Мурзы.
В западничестве есть своя русская правда. Западниками были великие русские реформаторы, но дело в том, что либералами они не были. Проблема не в западничестве как таковом, а в либералах-западниках, поскольку они выступают в России, по словам Ключевского, «торговцами конфет для го-лодных людей».
Строительство западной цивилизации на русской почве является одним из
самых больших долгостроев в истории.
Пятая часть называется «Нравственные духи революции и контрреволюции». Она посвящена сравнению двух русских революций начала и конца ХХ века. Имеет место очевидное сходство между ними. Февральско-октябрьский алгоритм перехода от общедемократического этапа к собственно большевистскому имел место и в контрреволюции 90-х годов. Только на этот раз Февраль наступил в августе 1991 года, а красный Октябрь приобрел черный цвет в октябре 1993 года. Штурм Белого дома был равносилен взятию Зимне-го дворца.
Есть, однако, одно коренное отличие современного либерального необо-льшевизма от исторического большевизма: абсолютно антинародный характер их капиталистического строительства, полное игнорирование социальной справедливости. Классовый подход, равенство, коллективизм, социальная справедливость сменились на ценности потребительства, гламурной свободы и либерально-индивидуалистического космополитизма.
Контрреволюцию 90-х годов возглавляли люди, которыми двигали не столько идеи, сколько вожделения. Отсюда подбор людей во власти с самым низким уровнем нравственного самосознания. По сравнению с исторически-ми большевиками-ленинцами либеральные необольшевики – выродки. «Выродки» — это не оскорбление, как Гайдар не фамилия. Эти люди развязали у масс низменные желания и настроения в духе социал-дарвинизма. Волк имеет абсолютное право задрать свою дичь, а дичь имеет право на бегство.
Нам только кажется, что это мы даем имена вещам, явлениям и событиям, а на самом деле их дает «наше» время. Да и само «Время» есть псевдоним Истории. Советская власть оказалась псевдонимом партийно-государственной бюрократической системы управления. Советский социализм на три четверти был госкапитализмом.
В конце 80-х годов в Советском Союзе истина никого не интересовала. Точнее сказать, интерес превалировал над любыми рациональными довода-ми. И это был интерес властных эшелонов. Он состоял в последнем шаге партийно-советской бюрократии — в присвоении общенародной собственно-сти. Поэтому Советский Союз намеренно развалили сверху.
В этой части особое место уделено поведению элитарной части советской интеллигенции, которая, в сущности, занялась апологией палаческой миссии контрреволюционного большевизма и тем самым подвела черту под собственным существованием.
Заключительная часть книги формулируется вопросительно — «Что дальше?».
Правящий в России режим неумолимо трансформируется в поисках большей политической устойчивости и легитимности. Государством по-прежнему правит «приватизационная элита», а это значит, что от 90-х годов Россия не ушла, хотя на словах и осудила «перегибы». Путинский режим несет в себе идею компромисса, неустойчивого равновесия между интереса-ми алчного государственно-олигархического капитализма и потребностями восстановления нормальной жизнедеятельности народа. Этот компромисс близок к исчерпанию. Чтобы преодолеть упадок в образовании, науке, куль-туре, экономике, спорте, требуется разрешение этого противоречия, превра-тившего Россию в государство с самым несправедливым распределением доходов и собственности.
России сегодня нужны, как воздух, как вода в пустыни, как солнце всему живому люди идеи, принципа, чести и совести, работающие, может, и за деньги, но не ради денег. В царской и советской России такие люди были, и на них все держалось. А когда их не доставало в достаточном количестве, наступала смута, и государство оказывалось на грани небытия. Их искать надо среди офицерства, хозяйственников, в научных кругах, да хоть в тайге. Только не в столичных «конторах», вроде МГИМО и ВШЭ, которые себя полностью дискредитировали откровенным западничеством, попахивающим национальным предательством.
This book is devoted to a comparative analysis of the two Russian revolutions of the beginning and end of the twentieth century. From October 1917 to October 1993 - the Russian pendulum made its heavy movement from one extreme point to another accordingly and, began a reverse movement. This connection of the two revolutions by the force of repulsion forms a general disposition of the book: the two revolutions are opposed to each another as the poles of a magnet. It is obvi-ous that the second revolution in relation to the first is a counter-revolution, since it is directed against the ideas and principles of the October Revolution of 1917. How do we treat them? Do we have to accept both as historical inevitability? Or still develop a criterion for evaluation and speak in favor of one of them? You must not be red and white simultaneously. This book is considered to be an ex-panded answer to this question . The author defined the genre of his book as a pamphlet, although he strove to en-close it in the strict forms of scientific research. The book consists of introduc-tion, five parts, conclusions, references and nominal index. The title of the introduction is "Revolution and «Fair Elections» (Instead of in-troduction)». The author does not share the negatively attitude to the revolutions as acts of civil vandalism carefully propagated nowadays. Here, the political hypocri-sy of someone is superimposed on the political naivety of others. Allegedly, the democratic elections are able to solve those epochal contradictions that require drastic changes for their solving. This has happened nowhere in the world. The great questions are not resolved by voting. Rather, bayonets are voting. That is why in the history there were considered the skyscrapers the great revolutions, such as - French, American and Russian. The latter determined the whole twenti-eth century by its content. It is truly the world one. No matter how historians and publicists of the newest school have mocked today, in 1918 the "dreamer" Lenin was sitting in the Kremlin, in 1945 the Red Banner of Victory was fluttering over the Reichstag and in 1961 the whole world was delighted with the Gagarin’s rise of the Soviet science. We mourn the victims, which makes them not in vain. Spilled blood always bears redemption. But conscious falsehood, meanness, crime can not be justified by the circumstances and the violent nature of politics. The moral criterion must prevail over all other assessments and arguments, otherwise the immersion in dirt and blood for mankind will become fatal. Therefore, the author's motto is some-what different than that of Spinoza, namely: "Do not curse, but understand; under-stand, but do not forgive. " The first part is devoted to the Revolution. It analyzes the main stages of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917, its natural course and outcome. October was the triumph of Bolshevism. But Bolshevism is not just a Marxist party in Russia. First of all, Bolshevism is the product of Russian history, and in this capacity it is much broader than the historical phenomenon arisen in 1903. Bolshevism is not social physics, but metaphysics of Russian revolution. In the whole culture of Russia, public thought, at least, for the last three centuries, reveals a powerful in-tention towards Bolshevism. "Bolshevik on the throne" Peter the Great, "Bolshe-vik on armored car" Lenin and "Bolshevik on the tank" Yeltsin vividly symbolize this tradition of revolutionary transition from one era to another, from one Russia to another, from one form of statehood to another - with the invariable dominant of strong State power, keeping in the systematic manner huge spaces. The second part is devoted, respectively, to the counter-revolution of the 90s. It gives its periodization, reveals the Bolshevik content of Yeltsin-Gaidar team. The «Black October» of 1993 (shooting from tanks and storming White House) is clearly described as an unconstitutional attempt to resolve the dual power crisis in their favor, rushing at all costs to the power of Yeltsin and his supporters. It re-sulted in a mini-civil war, the responsibility for which lies entirely with the latter. It is significant that Yeltsin found support in the West, which was not embarrassed by his staggeringly anti-democratic coup. The third part is entitled «The Bolshevik psychotype». In it, on the examples of outstanding "Bolsheviks" Peter the Great, Lenin, Yeltsin and Gaidar, the main features of the Bolshevik psychotype are revealed. The fourth part is called «Ideology of Liberal Neo-Bolshevism». It reveals the essence of the contemporary ideological creativity of counter-revolutionary lib-eral Westerners on the examples of "practetician" B.A. Berezovsky and «theoreti-cians» V.K. Cantor and A.A. Kara-Murza. Westernism has its own Russian truth. The westernizers were the great Russian reformers, but the fact is that they were not liberals. The problem is not Westernism itself, but in the liberals-westernizers, because they act in Russia, according to Klyuchevsky, «as chocolate traders for hungry people». The construction of Western civilization on Russian soil is one of the greatest long-term construction in history. The newest generation of the liberals-westernizers demonstrated proprietary utopianism combined with Caesarism, inherent in all generations and varieties of "Bolsheviks" that had been active throughout the centuries of Russian history. The fifth part is called «The moral spirits of revolution and counter-revolution». It is devoted to a comparison of the two Russian revolutions of the beginning and the end of the twentieth century. There is an obvious similarity between them. The February-October algorithm for the transition from the general democratic stage to the Bolshevik proper took place in the counterrevolution of the 1990s. Only this time, February came in August 1991, and the red October turned black in October 1993. The assault of the White House was tantamount to seizure of the Winter Pal-ace. There is, however, one fundamental difference between modern liberal neo-Bolshevism and historical Bolshevism: the absolutely anti-popular nature of their capitalist construction, the complete disregard of social justice. The class approach, equality, collectivism, social justice were replaced by the values of consumerism, glamorous freedom and liberal-individualistic cosmopolitanism. Counterrevolution of the 90s was led by the people who were driven not so much by ideas as by lust. As a consequence the selection of people in power with the lowest level of moral self-awareness. In comparison with the historical Bolshe-vik-Leninists, liberal neo-Bolsheviks are geeks. "Geeks" is not an insult, as Gaidar is not a surname. These people unleashed from the masses baser desires and moods in the spirit of social Darwinism. The wolf has the absolute right to tear his game, and the game has the right to escape. It only seems to us that we give names to things, phenomena and events, but in reality they are given by "our" time. Yes, and the "Time" itself is a pseudonym of History. Soviet power turned out to be a pseudonym for the party-state bureaucrat-ic system of government. Soviet socialism by three quarters was state capitalism. In the late 80-ies in the Soviet Union, truth did not interest anyone. More pre-cisely, interest prevailed over any rational arguments. And it was the interest of the power echelons. It was in the last step of the Party-Soviet bureaucracy - in appro-priating public property. Therefore, the Soviet Union was deliberately dislodged from above. In this part, a special place is given to the behavior of the elitist part of the Sovi-et intelligentsia, which, virtually, took up the apology of the executioner mission of counter-revolutionary Bolshevism and thereby summed up the line under its own existence. The final part of the book is interrogatively formulated – «What's next?». The ruling regime in Russia is inexorably transformed in search of greater po-litical stability and legitimacy. The state is still ruled by the "privatization elite", which means that Russia did not leave the 1990s, although in words they con-demned the "excesses". The Putin regime carries the idea of a compromise, an un-stable balance between the interests of greedy state-oligarchic capitalism and the needs of restoring the normal life of the people. This compromise is close to ex- haustion. To overcome the decline in education, science, culture, economics, sports, this contradiction is needed, it has turned Russia into a state with the most unfair distribution of income and property. Russia needs today like air, like water in the desert, like the sun to all living things people of idea, principle, honor and conscience, working, maybe for money, but not for the sake of money. In tsarist and soviet Russia such people were, and on them everything was kept. And when there were not enough of them, the discord came and the state was on the verge of nothingness. They should be sought among the officers, business executives, in scientific circles, and even in the taiga. Only not in the capital's "offices", like MGIMO and the Higher School of Economics, which themselves were completely discredited by outspoken Westernism, smelling of national treachery.
This book is devoted to a comparative analysis of the two Russian revolutions of the beginning and end of the twentieth century. From October 1917 to October 1993 - the Russian pendulum made its heavy movement from one extreme point to another accordingly and, began a reverse movement. This connection of the two revolutions by the force of repulsion forms a general disposition of the book: the two revolutions are opposed to each another as the poles of a magnet. It is obvi-ous that the second revolution in relation to the first is a counter-revolution, since it is directed against the ideas and principles of the October Revolution of 1917. How do we treat them? Do we have to accept both as historical inevitability? Or still develop a criterion for evaluation and speak in favor of one of them? You must not be red and white simultaneously. This book is considered to be an ex-panded answer to this question . The author defined the genre of his book as a pamphlet, although he strove to en-close it in the strict forms of scientific research. The book consists of introduc-tion, five parts, conclusions, references and nominal index. The title of the introduction is "Revolution and «Fair Elections» (Instead of in-troduction)». The author does not share the negatively attitude to the revolutions as acts of civil vandalism carefully propagated nowadays. Here, the political hypocri-sy of someone is superimposed on the political naivety of others. Allegedly, the democratic elections are able to solve those epochal contradictions that require drastic changes for their solving. This has happened nowhere in the world. The great questions are not resolved by voting. Rather, bayonets are voting. That is why in the history there were considered the skyscrapers the great revolutions, such as - French, American and Russian. The latter determined the whole twenti-eth century by its content. It is truly the world one. No matter how historians and publicists of the newest school have mocked today, in 1918 the "dreamer" Lenin was sitting in the Kremlin, in 1945 the Red Banner of Victory was fluttering over the Reichstag and in 1961 the whole world was delighted with the Gagarin’s rise of the Soviet science. We mourn the victims, which makes them not in vain. Spilled blood always bears redemption. But conscious falsehood, meanness, crime can not be justified by the circumstances and the violent nature of politics. The moral criterion must prevail over all other assessments and arguments, otherwise the immersion in dirt and blood for mankind will become fatal. Therefore, the author's motto is some-what different than that of Spinoza, namely: "Do not curse, but understand; under-stand, but do not forgive. " The first part is devoted to the Revolution. It analyzes the main stages of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917, its natural course and outcome. October was the triumph of Bolshevism. But Bolshevism is not just a Marxist party in Russia. First of all, Bolshevism is the product of Russian history, and in this capacity it is much broader than the historical phenomenon arisen in 1903. Bolshevism is not social physics, but metaphysics of Russian revolution. In the whole culture of Russia, public thought, at least, for the last three centuries, reveals a powerful in-tention towards Bolshevism. "Bolshevik on the throne" Peter the Great, "Bolshe-vik on armored car" Lenin and "Bolshevik on the tank" Yeltsin vividly symbolize this tradition of revolutionary transition from one era to another, from one Russia to another, from one form of statehood to another - with the invariable dominant of strong State power, keeping in the systematic manner huge spaces. The second part is devoted, respectively, to the counter-revolution of the 90s. It gives its periodization, reveals the Bolshevik content of Yeltsin-Gaidar team. The «Black October» of 1993 (shooting from tanks and storming White House) is clearly described as an unconstitutional attempt to resolve the dual power crisis in their favor, rushing at all costs to the power of Yeltsin and his supporters. It re-sulted in a mini-civil war, the responsibility for which lies entirely with the latter. It is significant that Yeltsin found support in the West, which was not embarrassed by his staggeringly anti-democratic coup. The third part is entitled «The Bolshevik psychotype». In it, on the examples of outstanding "Bolsheviks" Peter the Great, Lenin, Yeltsin and Gaidar, the main features of the Bolshevik psychotype are revealed. The fourth part is called «Ideology of Liberal Neo-Bolshevism». It reveals the essence of the contemporary ideological creativity of counter-revolutionary lib-eral Westerners on the examples of "practetician" B.A. Berezovsky and «theoreti-cians» V.K. Cantor and A.A. Kara-Murza. Westernism has its own Russian truth. The westernizers were the great Russian reformers, but the fact is that they were not liberals. The problem is not Westernism itself, but in the liberals-westernizers, because they act in Russia, according to Klyuchevsky, «as chocolate traders for hungry people». The construction of Western civilization on Russian soil is one of the greatest long-term construction in history. The newest generation of the liberals-westernizers demonstrated proprietary utopianism combined with Caesarism, inherent in all generations and varieties of "Bolsheviks" that had been active throughout the centuries of Russian history. The fifth part is called «The moral spirits of revolution and counter-revolution». It is devoted to a comparison of the two Russian revolutions of the beginning and the end of the twentieth century. There is an obvious similarity between them. The February-October algorithm for the transition from the general democratic stage to the Bolshevik proper took place in the counterrevolution of the 1990s. Only this time, February came in August 1991, and the red October turned black in October 1993. The assault of the White House was tantamount to seizure of the Winter Pal-ace. There is, however, one fundamental difference between modern liberal neo-Bolshevism and historical Bolshevism: the absolutely anti-popular nature of their capitalist construction, the complete disregard of social justice. The class approach, equality, collectivism, social justice were replaced by the values of consumerism, glamorous freedom and liberal-individualistic cosmopolitanism. Counterrevolution of the 90s was led by the people who were driven not so much by ideas as by lust. As a consequence the selection of people in power with the lowest level of moral self-awareness. In comparison with the historical Bolshe-vik-Leninists, liberal neo-Bolsheviks are geeks. "Geeks" is not an insult, as Gaidar is not a surname. These people unleashed from the masses baser desires and moods in the spirit of social Darwinism. The wolf has the absolute right to tear his game, and the game has the right to escape. It only seems to us that we give names to things, phenomena and events, but in reality they are given by "our" time. Yes, and the "Time" itself is a pseudonym of History. Soviet power turned out to be a pseudonym for the party-state bureaucrat-ic system of government. Soviet socialism by three quarters was state capitalism. In the late 80-ies in the Soviet Union, truth did not interest anyone. More pre-cisely, interest prevailed over any rational arguments. And it was the interest of the power echelons. It was in the last step of the Party-Soviet bureaucracy - in appro-priating public property. Therefore, the Soviet Union was deliberately dislodged from above. In this part, a special place is given to the behavior of the elitist part of the Sovi-et intelligentsia, which, virtually, took up the apology of the executioner mission of counter-revolutionary Bolshevism and thereby summed up the line under its own existence. The final part of the book is interrogatively formulated – «What's next?». The ruling regime in Russia is inexorably transformed in search of greater po-litical stability and legitimacy. The state is still ruled by the "privatization elite", which means that Russia did not leave the 1990s, although in words they con-demned the "excesses". The Putin regime carries the idea of a compromise, an un-stable balance between the interests of greedy state-oligarchic capitalism and the needs of restoring the normal life of the people. This compromise is close to ex- haustion. To overcome the decline in education, science, culture, economics, sports, this contradiction is needed, it has turned Russia into a state with the most unfair distribution of income and property. Russia needs today like air, like water in the desert, like the sun to all living things people of idea, principle, honor and conscience, working, maybe for money, but not for the sake of money. In tsarist and soviet Russia such people were, and on them everything was kept. And when there were not enough of them, the discord came and the state was on the verge of nothingness. They should be sought among the officers, business executives, in scientific circles, and even in the taiga. Only not in the capital's "offices", like MGIMO and the Higher School of Economics, which themselves were completely discredited by outspoken Westernism, smelling of national treachery.
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Ключові слова
революция, большевизм, либерализм, демократия, коррупция, revolution, Bolshevism, liberalism, democracy, corruption
Бібліографічний опис
Рассуждения о революции и контрреволюции в России / Г.П. Гребенник. — Одесса: ТЕС, 2017. — 288 с.