Optimal laser ionization scheme for separating longlived actinides and fission products in nuclear fuel
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Using the modern nuclear-energy cycle is connected with several known serious risks, e.g.
content of the dangerous radio nuclides in working nuclear fuel. One of the possible solutions
is using gamma-neutron transmutation method. To make more effective transmutation one
must usually take into account that the targets should be made of the nuclear isotopes fractions
of 90Sr, 137 Cs and the iodine fraction too (as a rule, the most radio toxical 129I isotope). It is
further necessary to transmute 90Sr,137 Cs, 129I isotopes to stable ones. The problem here is
separation of the 90Sr, 137 Cs and 129I isotopes from the stable 88Sr, 133Cs and 127I. The main
purpose of the work is carrying out the optimal laser photoionization schemes for separating
long-lived actinides and nuclear fission products, namely, Sr, Cs, I. Though the nuclides
fractions of Zr, Pd, Sn, Tc and rare-earth isotopes should not be transmuted as the middle
activity nuclear fusion coils, we define optimal isotopes laser separation parameters in this
case too.