Произведения Вольтера в книжном собрании А. Р. Воронцова
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
В статье рассмотрен комплекс сочинений Вольтера в части книжного
собрания А. Р. Воронцова (1742–1805), вошедшей в Воронцовский
фонд Научной библиотеки Одесского национального университета
имени И. И. Мечникова. Наследие Вольтера-романиста и драматурга, историка и философа, энциклопедиста и политического мыслителя представлено многочисленными прижизненными изданиями, в
том числе – экземплярами с пометами секретаря фернейского патриарха (трагедия «Скифы»).
The collections of the Scientific Library of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University hold an impressive corpus of Voltaire’s oeuvres, which grew dramatically since the University Library stocks were replenished in the late 19th century with the book collection of the Vorontsov palace in Odessa. One of the representatives of this prominent family of Russian nobility, count Alexander Romanovich Vorontsov (1742–1805) at the age of 16 got acquainted with the great philosopher, whose works he had translated two years earlier. He had collected in his library hundreds of volumes of Voltaire's works ranging from small brochures to complete writings. Among the books sent to Count Vorontsov by Voltaire and his secretary were copies with their handwritten notes (e.g. a tragedy Les Scythes). A fragment of the set of Voltaire’s works conserved in the A. R. Vorontsov’s library can be reconstructed on the base of the paragraph of the fullest Catalogue of his library compiled in the end of the owner’s life. A rich selection of Voltaire's works in A. R. Vorontsov’s library represents numerous lifetime editions of the publications of the patriarch of Ferney ranging from epic poems, drama works and philosophical novels to historical and philosophical writings as well as works characterizing Voltaire as a political thinker of the Age of Enlightenment.
The collections of the Scientific Library of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University hold an impressive corpus of Voltaire’s oeuvres, which grew dramatically since the University Library stocks were replenished in the late 19th century with the book collection of the Vorontsov palace in Odessa. One of the representatives of this prominent family of Russian nobility, count Alexander Romanovich Vorontsov (1742–1805) at the age of 16 got acquainted with the great philosopher, whose works he had translated two years earlier. He had collected in his library hundreds of volumes of Voltaire's works ranging from small brochures to complete writings. Among the books sent to Count Vorontsov by Voltaire and his secretary were copies with their handwritten notes (e.g. a tragedy Les Scythes). A fragment of the set of Voltaire’s works conserved in the A. R. Vorontsov’s library can be reconstructed on the base of the paragraph of the fullest Catalogue of his library compiled in the end of the owner’s life. A rich selection of Voltaire's works in A. R. Vorontsov’s library represents numerous lifetime editions of the publications of the patriarch of Ferney ranging from epic poems, drama works and philosophical novels to historical and philosophical writings as well as works characterizing Voltaire as a political thinker of the Age of Enlightenment.
Ключові слова
Вольтер, А. Р. Воронцов, частное книжное собрание, пометы, рукописный каталог, Voltaire, Alexandre R. Vorontsov, private book collection, notes, manuscript catalogue
Бібліографічний опис
Стародруки і рідкісні видання в університетській бібліо- теці : матеріали 6-х Міжнар. книгознав. читань (Одеса, 2–3 жовт. 2019 р.) . – Одес. нац. ун-т ім. І. І. Мечникова, Наук. б-ка. – Одеса : ОНУ, 2019.