Молодіжний сленг у постмодерній українській прозі: прагмалінгвістичний аспект

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Столяр М. Ю. Молодіжний сленг у постмодерній українській прозі: прагмалінгвістичний аспект. – Рукопис. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук зі спеціальності 10.02.01 – українська мова. – Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова. – Одеса, 2018. Роботу присвячено прагмалінгвістичному аналізу молодіжного сленгу (МС) в українській постмодерній прозі. Залучення лінгвопрагматичного підходу у його єдності із ціннісною й сугестійною кваліфікацією МС української постмодерної прози уможливило з’ясування природи і векторів аксіосистемної маркованості й упливової потужності одиниць і моделей МС та специфіки її реалізації в сегменті постмодерної прози. Експериментальним шляхом установлено ціннісні пріоритети сучасної молодіжної аудиторії та висвітлено їхню кореляцію із сленговими презентаціями. Описано аксіологічну і семантичну специфіку вокабуляру лексичних та фраземних сленгізмів сучасного постмодерного простору методом семіометричного опису. Визначено функційні пріоритети МС у текстуальних межах постмодерного дискурсу та схарактеризовано впливовий потенціал МС за допомогою методів нейролінгвістичного програмування і сугестивної лінгвістики. Укладено словник молодіжного сленгу сучасної постмодерної прози.
Работа посвящена прагмалингвистическому анализу молодежного сленга (МС) в украинской постмодернистской прозе. Привлечение лингвопрагматического подхода в его единстве с ценностной и суггестивной квалификацией МС украинской постмодернистской прозы помогло определить природу и векторы аксиосистемной маркированности, а также воздействующего потенциала единиц и моделей МС и специфики его реализации в сегменте постмодернистской прозы. Экспериментальным путем установлены ценностные приоритеты современной молодежной аудитории в корреляции со сленговыми презентациями. Описана аксиологическая и семантическая специфика вокабуляра лексических и фраземних сленгизмов современного пространства украинского постмодерна. Определены функциональные приоритеты МС в текстовых пределах постмодернистского дискурса и охарактеризован суггестивный потенциал МС с помощью методов нейролингвистического программирования и суггестивной лингвистики. Составлен словарь молодежного сленга украинской постмодернистской прозы
Stolyar M. Y. Youth Slang in Ukrainian Postmodern Prose: Pragmalinguistic Aspect. – Manuscript. Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Philology. Speciality 10.02.01 – Ukrainian Language. – Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov University. – Odesa, 2018. The thesis presents detailed multi-dimensional factual research data analysis that singles out the extra-linguistic and actually linguistic youth slang (YS) features as well as proves the scientific relevance of the YS pragmalinguistic interpretation in the Ukrainian postmodern prose (UPP) as an extraordinary research source, which is certified by the correlation between the postmodern discourse system-creating elements and the YS inner nature. The work justifies the expediency of utilizing the comprehensive research apparatus, offers the UPP YS research algorithm which consists of 4 stages: 1) comprising the factual data collecting and systematizing; 2) defining YS semantic and axiological qualification; 3) describing the YS influential power elucidating; 4) generalizing the results. The implementation of interviewing and semantic differential method in the network of the 2nd stage allows to define the modern youth’s basic priorities hierarchy, and extrapolating it onto the UPP sphere provides grounds to interpret the vast majority of the slang units as the axiosystematic markers. In order to carry out an in-depth analysis, the YS meanings axiological semiometric qualification method is utilized. Within these limits, the analysis of the slang phrasemes (SP) is carried out, and their axiological marking poles isolated and divided into positively and negatively marked, neutral phrasal units (PU), and ones with diffuse evaluation, where the “Human” LSF dominates within the amplitude of the according LSG depicting its emotional, physiological and physical state, mostly connected with the non-normative, asocial behavior. The SP denoting the individual’s intellectual states are on the periphery. The SPs’ axiological characteristic is determined by the negative evaluation priority mostly within the limits of the emotional and physiological / physical states. The positive evaluation of the SP mostly concerns the autostereotypical characteristics, and nominates the states of satisfaction connected with active recreation. The diffuse evaluation is on the periphery. And the neutrally evaluated SP are almost non-existent. The SP measurement qualification within the semiometric analysis limits certifies the YS meanings variation on synonymy level, lowered evaluation being prioritized almost up to obscene level while nominating the personal characteristics; peripherality of the antonymic models, contradictory ones dominating. Etymological analysis as a SP semantical representation width parameter element fixes the prevalence of the phrasemes from the Russian language in their adaptation to the Ukrainian one, and an insignificant amount of actually Ukrainian PU of folklore and dialect origin. Within the limits of the next semiometric qualification stage, aimed at the slang units axiological identification, the essential “Human” lexical-semantic field LSG are isolated. The most common slang nomination base has been defined to be the anthropic characteristic – the emotional, physiological / physical, and intellectual states, where the priority goes to naming the negative emotional states and negative situations and other persons’ evaluation (76 %). Positive evaluation (16 %) characterizes slang units denoting certain physiological states. Diffuse evaluation (5 %) is connected with expressing emotions, usually the exclamation lexemes making it possible to express both positive and negative emotional state of the speaker in the same verbal design. The neutral slang units (3 %) nominate the life sector, and are the least represented, which defines the maximal axiological egocentricity of the UPP YS. The meaning variation level is manifested in the slang units semantic amplitude widening, on synonymization level. The antonymic slang units are presented weakly. Etymological analysis certifies the prevalence of Russian-language borrowings (on the maximally negative vocabulary of an almost obscene level). The English-language borrowings are distinguished with the positive evaluation dominance. The YS semiometric analysis within I. Karpa’s idiolect proved that youth slang play the crucial role, since they have been acting as a vivid feature of the parsonages’ characteristics, being detected in a row of actual LSG with a priority negative evaluation. The 3rd stage of the algorithm deals with isolating the YS influential potential within its axiological amplitude. The YS’ functions are systematized, and its actual functional varieties elucidated. It is proved that the influence function is the key one of the YS as an integral part of an art work. Utilizing the NLP and Suggestive Linguistics provisions made it possible to isolate the concrete suggestogenes of the UPP YS, represented by the predicates, pattern disruption models, past trance states access models, and ordinary trance situations descriptions, alongside with the metamodel indexes, with nominalizations, nonspecific nouns and verbs prevailing. The YS’ predicate marking is concentrated within the kinesthetic representative system sphere, sensory indexes dominating. Within the YS segment, pattern disruption is manifested in the stylistically polar vocabulary collision, which causes the according unexpectedness effect, and reduces such information perception probabilistic prognostication process. The metamodel elements are represented by nominalizations, non-specific nouns and verbs, characterized by semantic diffusion, complicating the decoding processes, and activating the subdominant perception. The systematization and semantic qualification of the YS units having been fixed made it possible to compile the “Ukrainian Postmodern Prose Youth Slang Dictionary”, which consists of over 2 000 units. crucial role, since they have been acting as a vivid feature of the parsonages’ characteristics, being detected in a row of actual LSG with a priority negative evaluation. The 3rd stage of the algorithm deals with isolating the YS influential potential within its axiological amplitude. The YS’ functions are systematized, and its actual functional varieties elucidated. It is proved that the influence function is the key one of the YS as an integral part of an art work. Utilizing the NLP and Suggestive Linguistics provisions made it possible to isolate the concrete suggestogenes of the UPP YS, represented by the predicates, pattern disruption models, past trance states access models, and ordinary trance situations descriptions, alongside with the metamodel indexes, with nominalizations, nonspecific nouns and verbs prevailing. The YS’ predicate marking is concentrated within the kinesthetic representative system sphere, sensory indexes dominating. Within the YS segment, pattern disruption is manifested in the stylistically polar vocabulary collision, which causes the according unexpectedness effect, and reduces such information perception probabilistic prognostication process. The metamodel elements are represented by nominalizations, non-specific nouns and verbs, characterized by semantic diffusion, complicating the decoding processes, and activating the subdominant perception. The systematization and semantic qualification of the YS units having been fixed made it possible to compile the “Ukrainian Postmodern Prose Youth Slang Dictionary”, which consists of over 2 000 units.
Ключові слова
молодіжний сленг, українська постмодерна проза, прагмалінгвістика, цінність, фразема, сугестійна функція, нейролінгвістичне програмування, сугестивна лінгвістика, молодежный сленг, украинская постмодернистская проза, прагмалингвистика, ценность, фразема, суггестивная функция, нейролингвистическое программирование, суггестивная лингвистика, youth slang, Ukrainian postmodern prose, Pragmalinguistics, value, phraseme, suggestive function, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Suggestive Linguistics
Бібліографічний опис
Столяр, М. Ю. Молодіжний сленг у постмодерній українській прозі: прагмалінгвістичний аспект : автореф... канд. фіз.-мат. наук / М. Ю. Столяр . – Одеса, 2018 . – 22 с.