Main tendencies and issues of ukrainian health care system reformation on the modern stage of economic development
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
One of the most important tasks, put before the Ukrainian society, is increasing
of Ukrainian economical competitiveness and wellbeing of Ukrainian population.
Hence, a lot of reforms in the different spheres of economic, social and legal policies
are provided in the modern stage of Ukrainian development. By 2018, one of the
most urgent reforms in Ukraine is the health care system’s reformation.
Nowadays the complicated socio-economic, political and demographic changes
are taking place in Ukraine. To date, according to the non-official statistical data,
the preliminary appraisement of the total number of population is about 29 millions,
i.e. in comparison with 2010 it has decreased 1,58 times or 16,96 mln. people.
According to the official statistics, the dynamics is not such bad, but nevertheless,
there are significant problems with demographics: by 01.02.2018 there are 42, 39
mln. people in Ukraine.
Ключові слова
military actions, the East of Ukraine, health system, massive migration processes, high mortality rate, law fertility, population ageing, disease, the scientific works
Бібліографічний опис
Management of the 21st century : globalization challenges. Monograph ; in edition I. Markina. – Prague. – Nemoros s.r.o.