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Документ Determination in mobility of non-equilibrium carriers considering motion velocity distribution(Одесский национальный университет имени И. И. Мечникова, 2013) Myndrul, Valerii B.; Bak, A. Yu.; Karakis, Yurii M.; Kutalova, Mariia I.; Zatovska, Nataliia P.; Zubrytskyi, Serhii V.; Мындрул, Валерий Борисович; Бак, А. Ю.; Каракис, Юрий Николаевич; Куталова, Мария Ивановна; Затовская, Наталия Петровна; Зубрицкий, Сергей Всеволодович; Миндрул, Валерій Борисович; Каракіс, Юрій Миколайович; Куталова, Марія Іванівна; Затовська, Наталія Петрівна; Зубрицький, Сергій ВсеволодовичThe particularities of contact influence on processes of current rise in crystal at the expense of nonequilibrium charge were investigated. The procedure to determine carrier active mobility for the case of considerable asymmetry in their velocity distribution was developed.Документ INFLUENCE OF NANOCRYSTALLITE SIZES ON THE ABSORPTION SPECTRUM OF CDS NANOCRYSTALS(Одесский национальный университете имени И. И. Мечникова, 2012) Kiss, А. V.; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Zubrytskyi, Serhii V.; Kucc, A. В.; Смынтына, Валентин Андреевич; Зубрицкий, Сергей Всеволодович; Сминтина, Валентин Андрійович; Зубрицький, Сергій ВсеволодовичRecently, special attention is paid to the magnetic and semiconducting nanomaterials, and the interest in them is increasing. This is due to the enormous practical importance of these classes of materials for the development of information, medical, chemical, and electronic technology. Nanomaterials based on semiconductors (eg, AIIBVI and AIVBVI) have unique optical properties and are promising materials for the active elements of nonlinear optics and nanoelectronics devices. In this paper, the synthesis of nanocrystals was performed by two different methods: the first is with the introduction dopped aqueous solution of sodium sulfide in an aqueous solution of cadmium nitrate, the second is by blowing hydrogen sulfide in a container with an aqueous solution of cadmium nitrate. The technology of obtaining nanocrystalline structures with colloidal solutions by both methods were worked, we've found conditions and reagent concentrations necessary to produce nanocrystals of a given size. The characteristic size of the nanocrystals on the optical absorption spectra. With the help of the data was calculated energy level spectrum, characteristic of these objects. The good agreement between the values obtained with the theoretical data podtverdaet possibility of approximation of the form of a spherical semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dotsДокумент MICROSTRUCTURAL FEATURES AND COMPONENTIAL ANALYSIS OF THIN FILM CdS-Cu2S PHOTOSENSING STRUCTURES AS ELEMENT OF IMAGE SENSOR(Одесский национальный университет имени И. И. Мечникова, 2013) Borshchak, Vitalii A.; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Brytavskyi, Yevhen V.; Zubrytskyi, Serhii V.; Kutalova, Mariia I.; Lepikh, Yaroslav I.; Борщак, Виталий Анатольевич; Смынтына, Валентин Андреевич; Зубрицкий, Сергей Всеволодович; Бритавский, Евгений Викторович; Куталова, Мария Ивановна; Лепих, Ярослав Ильич; Сминтина, Валентин Андрійович; Зубрицький, Сергій Всеволодович; Бритавський, Євген Вікторович; Куталова, Марія Іванівна; Лепіх, Ярослав Ілліч; Борщак, Віталій АнатолійовичThe mechanisms of signal relaxation, associated with the removal processes of nonequilibrium charge from the space charge region of the image sensor on the basis of non-ideal heterojunction were investigated. The mechanism of the observed two-stage process was determined. Microscopic techniques (AFM, SEM) were used to estimate HJ properties (grain size, roughness) and their relations with HJ processing parameters. Novel results concerning CdS-Cu2S HJ surface morphology and impurities depth distribution were obtained. In particular, the question of observed variation of surface photosensitivity and components interdiffusion on heteroborder were clarified. Also the comparison of samples formed by two different methodics (electrodynamical spraying and vacuum evaporation techniques) was made. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) was performed in order to detect Cu-S compounds at CdS - Cu2S heterojunctions, fabricated by the vacuum deposition of CdS on a glass substrate and Cu2S layer, formed in substitution mode. The distribution of several stoichiometric phases of copper (I) sulfide was obtained as main result.Документ Thermally stimulated Luminescence of Polycrystals ZnS(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2001) Zubrytskyi, Serhii V.; Beizym, V. I.Thermally stimulated luminescence and kinetics of signal attenuation of glow of zinc sulphide polycrystals received by method of high-temperatured synthesis are investigated. The persistence of is samples in green region of spectrum = 520 nm) with anomalously major duration of glow is revealed. In TSL spectrum a series of strips are revealed. It is observed, that the spectrum TSL can be surveyed in approach of repeated capturing absence. The activation energies relevant to chlorine levels are calculated. It is shown, that for the indicated features for glow kinetics and TSL spectrum the impurity of chlorine is responsible.