Перегляд за Автор "Tytykalo, Volodymyr"
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Документ Linear Programming as a Data Mining Tool in Assessing Competitiveness in the Face of Uncertainty(2019) Sadchenko, Olena V.; Karpitskaya, Maryna; Stasiukova, Kateryna; Pjhjva, Mariia; Tytykalo, Volodymyr; Makoveieva, Olena; Садченко, Елена Васильевна; Садченко, Олена ВасилівнаEntrepreneurial activity in the market is associated with risk and with a situation of uncertainty, which ultimately characterizes the random component in the functioning of enterprises, their competitiveness. The development of mathematical models and methods to improve competitiveness in conditions of uncertainty are relevant and are essential for theory and practice.In the article, the authors study the concept of competitiveness and competitive advantages. An outstanding achievement in the article is a visual representation of the linear programming method and testing it on a real practical example.