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Документ ALGAE EPHEMERAL RESERVOIRS OF THE NORTH-WEST BLACK SEA AREA(Печатный дом, 2012) Kiriushkina, A. N.; Herasymiuk, Valerii P.; Shykhalieieva, Halyna M.; Герасимюк, Валерій Петрович; Герасимюк, Валерий ПетровичThe study of ephemeral reservoirs presents some scientific interest because they essentially can be a unique environmental laboratory, which can solve various environmental problems. However, in the literature we found only one work (Gordienko, 1928), devoted to algae of puddlesДокумент ICE ALGAE OF THE KUYALNIK LIMAN(Печатный дом, 2007) Kiriushkina, A. N.; Herasymiuk, Valerii P.; Shykhalieieva, Halyna M.; Кірюшкіна, Г. М.; Герасимюк, Валерій Петрович; Шихалєєва, Г. М.; Герасимюк, Валерий ПетровичLiman ice is a peculiar biotope defined by a hard surface, which is in a contact zone "liman-coast-air". In this connection it has unique peculiarities, which distinguish its from liman water. Well-known, that melted water from saline ice is in a quasi-crystalline state and so has strong biological stimulator effect (Buynitskiy, 1974). Ice algae of the Kuyalnik liman as autonomous group are not researched until now.Документ Peculiarity of salty meadows of Kujalnik liman bank(Печатный дом, 2007) Vasylieva, Tetiana V.; Shykhalieieva, Halyna M.; Ennan, Alim-Abdul A.; Kiriushkina, A. N.; Васильева, Татьяна Владимировна; Шихалеева, Г. Н.; Эннан, Алим-Абдул Амидович; Кирюшкина, А.; Васильєва, Тетяна ВолодимирівнаSalty cereals meadows can be meet by narrow strips during all Kujalnik liman bank. That zone width depends on steepness of slopes and on distance from water line to beginning of eminence. Projection cover of meadows is 60-70%. Dominative herbs are cereals as Puccinella, Aegilops, Anisantha. Sometimes there is admixture such halophyle species as Spergularia media (L.) C.Presl., Salicornia europaea L., Tripolium pannonicum (Jacq) Dobrocz., Juncus jerardii Loisel. During away from shore xerophyte's association is formed with Artemisia santonica L., Plantago salsa Pall. Further, when xerophyte conditions become stronger, appeared Atriplex tatarica L., Artemisia pontica L., Bromus squarrosus L.Документ VITAMIN C CONCENTRATION AND CATALASE ACTIVITY IN THE BOTTOM SEDIMENT OF THE KUYALNIK LIMAN(Печатный дом, 2007) Shykhalieieva, Halyna M.; Budniak, Oleksandr K.; Шихалєєва, Г. М.; Будняк, Олександр Костянтинович; Будняк, Александр КонстантиновичThe Kuyalnik liman's sulfide-silt deposits are used in medical practice for a long time. Until now their medical properties frequently relate with humic acids and different classes of bitumens. There are not paid enough attention on the vitamins concentration and enzymatic activity questions of the liman silt. It is known that there is a direct relation of peloid biological activity with their antioxidant properties (Jabarova, 2001) and for determination of peloid balneological value along with enzymatic activity vitamin complex can be used (Jabarova, 1999).