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Документ Onomastics and Names of the Starry Sky. To the 95th anniversary of Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yu. O. Karpenko – the author of the book "Names of the Starry Sky"(Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2024) Karpenko, Olena Yu.; Ryabov, Mykhailo I.; Карпенко, Олена Юріївна; Рябов, Михайло ІвановичIn 2024, the 95th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, encyclopedist, Professor Yuriy Olexandrovich Karpenko is celebrated. Yu. O. Karpenko taught for many years at the Faculty of Philology Odesa Mechnikov National University. Yuriy Olexandrovich Karpenko, being a philologist, expanded the object of his research to include the entire Universe. The results of his research are reflected in the book "Names of the Starry Sky", which is still unique today. In the words of Yu. O. Karpenko himself: "The human path of knowledge has always been accompanied by words. Man denoted all his discoveries and victories by means of language – he named them. Without this, without such names, there would be no point in thinking about the accumulation of knowledge, about passing it on to subsequent generations." The authors of the report hope that the life of the wonderful book by Yu. O. Karpenko "Names of the Starry Sky" will be continued by its translation into English and Ukrainian.