Перегляд за Автор "NEPOMYASCHA, N."
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Документ Application of microorganisms in fungus cultivation(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2009) Bagaeva, O. S.; Kryvytska, T. M.; UJEVSKAYA, S.; NEPOMYASCHA, N.; Bobreshova, N. S.; Beliaeva, Tamara O.; Le Huy Ham; Nguen Ngoc Cuong; Vasylieva, Tetiana V.; Rakitskaja, S. I.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Иваница, Владимир Алексеевич; Васильєва, Тетяна Володимирівна; Васильева, Татьяна ВладимировнаClimatic conditions of Ukraine and different cellulose containing wastes large quantities availability cause the possibility of medicinal mushrooms large number cultivation. For quality fruit bodies obtaining they should be implemented the measures to combat pests. Pesticides are traditionally used for this mean. The chemical method disadvantage is that pesticides can be used only as a preventive means. At the moment when environmentally safe agriculture and medicinal plants cultivation it is recommended the using of biopreparations, based on safe for human microorganisms, mostly of the genus Bacillus, for the pests destruction. Similar drugs for the edible and medicinal mushrooms protection are absent.