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Документ Methodological principles of systematics of recreational goods(2021) Topchiiev, Oleksandr H.; Sych, Vitalii A.; Yavorska, Viktoriia V.; Kolomiyets, Kateryna V.; Hryhoriev, Alexander V.; Hevko, Ihor V.; Яворська, Вікторія Володимирівна; Яворская, Виктория Владимировна; Топчієв, Олександр Григорович; Топчиев, Александр Григорьевич; Сич, Віталій Андрійович; Сыч, Виталий Андреевич; Коломієць, К. В.; Григор’єв, О. В.; Гевко, І. В.The article presents an overview of modern directions and approaches to systematics of recreational resources (goods). The purpose of our study is to develop methodological principles of systematics of recreational goods, taking into account their subject specificity and modern research approaches to the systematics of natural, historical, cultural and socio- economic conditions and resources. The article has been used development by domestic and foreign scientists, as well as preliminary author’s studies. Working-out of a scheme of recreational goods systematics took place on the basis of a dialectical approach, which requires all phenomena and processes in their development, interconnection, and interdependence. The article presents an overview of modern directions and approaches to the systematics of recreational goods and provides a general methodological scheme of systematics of recreational goods. The proposed scheme includes the division of recreational goods to natural, cultural and historical and socio- economic, as well as directions of use by recreational goods – public, collective and personality. The intersections of these categories are marked by the main methodological approaches to the evaluation of recreational conditions and recreational resources. For each direction of the classification and systematics of recreational goods, it is necessary to develop methodological principles and methodological means of inventory and assessing the corresponding combination of recreational conditions and resources with forms of use by recreation goods. Such justification also requires enclosed blocks of recreational conditions and resources and social varieties of use. Recreational conditions and resources of public usage are available for all users without restrictions of property rights; they are considered as global civilization goods as the “property” of the world community; they do not have the content of the goods and do not form appropriate market relations, as a rule, a global or regional spatial scale. Recreational conditions and resources of collective usage form natural and geographical objects and phenomena with different forms of ownership (state, corporate) and collective (group) use. They can be shared by common goods, do not have a form of commodity and not take part in market commodity- money circulation. Recreational conditions and resources of individual usage are private or group property of vacationers. They remain outside the economic assessment, but can also form their market environments with competitive relations and be objects of commodity- money circulation.Документ Spatial analysis of natural reserve fund of the Zakarpatska Oblast(2021) Yavorska, Viktoriia V.; Chyr, Nadiia V.; Melnyk, Andriy V.; Hevko, Ihor V.; Chubr, Oleksandra S.; Hryhoriev, Alexander V.; Яворська, Вікторія Володимирівна; Яворская, Виктория Владимировна; Чир, Н. В.; Мельник, А. В.; Гевко, І. В.; Чубрей, О. С.; Григор’єв, О. В.The article brings light to the study of the nature reserve fund (NRF) of Zakarpatska oblast as a component of the national heritage of the country. Representativeness is considered to be one of the main principles of spatial formation of the NRF object network. Therefore, to determine the current state and ensure further effective development of the region’s nature reserve fund, it is necessary to analyze its territorial and internal structural indicators. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current status of the region’s nature reserve fund with the reference to the possibility of introduction of the further new management practices. The article is based on information and statistical materials, the provisions of regional programs for the formation of the ecological network and environmental legislation of Ukraine. To solve the assigned tasks, there has been done a comprehensive analysis of statistical reporting data and materials of the NRF Register in Zakarpatska oblast of the Department of Ecology of Natural Resources of Zakarpattia Regional State Administration within the period of 2019, and reporting documents of environmental institutions for the same period. The considered indicator is the territorial distribution of nature reserve areas and region areas by administrative districts (before the formation and implementation of changes to the administrative- territorial structure of the Zakarpatska oblast), which is presented in the form of the division into four groups. The spatial distribution of the territory and the NFR objects do not sufficiently meet the criteria of local representativeness, so their spatial structure needs significant improvement, be specific – the creation of nature reserves, especially in the lowlands of the region. The average density of nature protection objects in the region (36 units / 1000 km2) is almost three times higher than the corresponding indicator in the neighboring Lviv region. The average value of the reserve factor in the region makes 14.17 %. It has been found that the reserve ratio demonstrates geographically the largest disproportion in Zakarpatska oblast. It is the highest indicator in turns of administrative entities in the districts of Mizhhiria, Velyky Bereznyi and Rakhiv. The lowest one is in Svaliava and Berehove districts, respectively. In addition, the reserve ratio compared to the national average indicator and in other European countries has been carried out. The quality of the nature reserve network is determined by the insularity coefficient, which indicates the size of the NRF objects and their stability. Further expansion of the network of nature protection objects in Zakarpatska oblast is possible due to the creation of Latorytsa, Shaian and Uzhok landscape parks. A big assumption can be made that by 2020 it will be possible to create new and expand existing areas of NRF in the region up to 100–120 thousand hectares, which will increase the protected area up to 20–22 %. The key issues of nature reserves to be developed in Zakarpatska oblast are primarily related to the imperfection of the management system. To handle this problem, there is an urgent need to develop a strategy, which will envisage the perception of the NRF as a holistic anthropogenic and natural unit in order to put into practice the environmental, scientific, educational and recreational functions.Документ Проблеми збереження проблемних основ географії у контексті міждисциплінарних досліджень(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2021) Топчієв, Олександр Григорович; Яворська, Вікторія Володимирівна; Григор’єв, О. В.; Topchiiev, Oleksandr H.; Yavorska, Viktoriia V.; Hryhoriev, Alexander V.Чи не найдавніша серед наук географія протягом своєї більш ніж двотисячолітньої історії пережила чимало змін і різноманітних трансформацій. У різні часи географи обслуговували різні запити й потреби суспільства, що постійно змінювались, більшою чи меншою коригувались новими загальнонауковими підходами і концепціями, змінювали і розвивали свою теорію та методологію, методичні засоби та інструментарій дослідження. Наукознавці говорять про закономірну зміну загально- і конкретно-наукових підходів і методологій, про розроблення все нових напрямків пізнання, наукових концепцій і парадигм.