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Документ Cold season soil NO fluxes from a temperate forest: drivers and contribution to annual budgets(2016) Medinets, Sergiy V.; Gasche, R.; Skiba, U. M.; Schindlbacher, A.; Kiese, R.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Медінець, Сергій Володимирович; Мединец, Сергей ВладимировичSoils, and here specifically acidic forest soils exposed to high rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition, are a significant source for the secondary greenhouse gas nitric oxide (NO). However, as flux estimates are mainly based on measurements during the vegetation period, annualNOemissions budgets may hold uncertainty as cold season soilNOfluxes have rarely been quantified. Here we analyzed cold season soilNOfluxes and potential environmental drivers on the basis of the most extensive database on forest soilNOfluxes obtained at the Höglwald Forest, Germany, spanning the years 1994 to 2010. Onaverage, the cold season (daily average air temperature<3 °C) contributed to 22% of the annual soilNObudget, varying from 13% to 41% between individual cold seasons. Temperature was the main controlling factor of the cold seasonNOfluxes, whereas during freeze-thaw cycles soil moisture availability determinedNOemission rates. The importance of cold season soilNOfluxes for annual NOfluxes depended positively on the length of the cold season, but responded negatively to frost events. Snow cover did not significantly affect cold season soilNOfluxes. Cold seasonNOfluxes significantly correlated with cold season soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. During freeze-thaw periods strong positive correlations betweenNOandN2Ofluxes were observed, though stimulation ofNOfluxes by freeze-thaw was by far less pronounced as compared toN2O. Except for freeze-thaw periodsNOfluxes significantly exceeded those forN2Oduring the cold season period.Weconclude that in temperate forest ecosystems cold seasonNOemissions can contribute substantially to the annualNObudget and this contribution is significantly higher in years with long lasting but mild (less frost events) cold seasons.Документ Seasonal dynamics and profiles of soil NO concentrations in a temperate forest(2019) Medinets, Sergiy V.; Gasche, R.; Kiese, R.; Rennenberg, H.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Медінець, Сергій Володимирович; Мединец, Сергей ВладимировичAims Soils are known to be significant sources of atmospheric nitric oxide (NO), a key compound in atmospheric chemistry. NO is a key regulating substance for inter- and intra-species signalling and competition and affects plant growth and soilmicrobialmetabolisms. However, little is known about NO concentration in soils and production of NO in the soil profile. Methods Here we report on soil NO concentrations down to 65 cm soil depth and soil surface flux measurements over a 15 months period in subdaily resolution. This is supplemented by information on aerobic and anaerobic NO production in various soil layers of a spruce stand in SW Germany. Results NO concentrations showed a clear seasonality with highest concentrations of up to 800 nmol mol−1 (or part per billion in volume mixing ratio; ppbv) at the interface between the organic Of-Oh sub-layers in the summer. NO concentrations in the mineral subsoil (−65 cm) were approx. One order of magnitude lower than in the organic layer. Dynamic changes of soil NO concentrations were closely correlated with soil surface NO fluxes. Differences in soil NO concentrations across the soil profile reflected differences in aerobic and anaerobic NO production potential. Conclusion The importance of such high NO concentrations for soil microbial and plant physiological processes remains unclear, but should be addressed in future research in order to improve our understanding of microbe-microbe and plant-microbe interactions.