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Документ Gaia18aak is a new SU UMa-type dwarf nova(2019) Simon, A.; Pavlenko, E.; Shugarov, S.; Vasylenko, V.; Izviekova, I.; Reshetnyk, V.; Godunova, V.; Bufan, Yu.; Baransky, A.; Antonyuk, O.; Baklanov, V.; Troianskyi, V.; Udovichenko, Serhii M.; Keir, L.; Удовіченко, Сергій Миколайович; Удовиченко, Сергей НиколаевичWe report the discovery of a new SU UMa-type dwarf nova, Gaia18aak/ AT2018C, based on its optical observations, which were performed at ve observatories (Lisnyky/Kyiv, Terskol, CrAO, Mayaki/Odessa and Star a Lesn a, Slovakia) with six small telescopes. The observational campaign started just after the alert was published by ESA Gaia, DPAC and the Photomet- ric Science Alerts Team (http://gsaweb.ast.cam.ac.uk/alerts); the object was very intensely observed during the rst month. After this there was organized a four-month monitoring in order to test outburst activity of the object. We detected the 0.0647-d (or 0.0692-d) superhump period during ve nights of the superoutburst. Furthermore, we found the only possible outburst during the subsequent 100 nights.