Від шаблі до книги: козаки у складі викладачів та студентів Новоросійського університету

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Метою статті є дослідження місця представників козацького стану серед студентів та викладачів Одеського Новоросійського університету. Встановлено кількість та персональний склад студентів-козаків, їх походження з різних козацьких спільнот: українського та російського козацтва. Простежено долю найяскравіших особистостей.
Целью статьи является исследование места представителей казачьего сословия среди студентов и преподавателей одесского Новороссийского университета. Установлено количество и персональный состав студентов- казаков, их происхождение из разных казачьих сообществ: украинского и российского казачества. Прослежено судьбу ярких личностей.
The aim of the article is to study the place of representatives of the Cossack class students and teachers of the Odesa Novorossiys’k university. Established the number and composition of the students of the cossacks, their origin from different cossack communities: ukrainian and russian cossacks. Traced the fate of the outstanding personalities. Novorosiys’k university was one of the universities that they were few in the Russian Empire. So he included the representatives not only of different ethnic and social groups, but also geographically diverse. This led to stay among teachers and students from different families Cossacks. In 1905-1907 years Cossack myth in its Russian version used Odesa Russian chauvinists, some of which could really be a Cossack (Don, etc.) origin and be besides associated with the University. Cossack ancestors had professor Olexiy Markevitch, assistant professor Alexander Lev Borovikovsky. Son of Don Cossack was a law professor Sergei Ilovajskij. Among the students of the ancestors of the Cossacks had a native of Odessa, a microbiologist, Mykola Fedorovych Gamalija. We recorded in the documents in the history of the Novorossiys’k university 80 people among students of origin of the Cossacks. Of these 49 documents on receipt of such themselves as Cossacks, 31 as the sons of the Cossacks. The first five of the Cossacks, who have completed university studies for the first 25 years of its existence were the origin of the Ukrainian Cossacks. The most successful career of the graduates of the Cossacks did Opanas Ivanovych Pogibko - agronomist and Dmitro Ivanovich Dejneka – professor of anatomy. After a period of study persons Cossack origin to rank high in the social hierarchy. We know that M. Lenchyk worked as a secondary school teacher Melytopil, P. Kundius taught in Rostov on Don. I. Berezutski served as an Assistant Secretary in the military court Odesa. A. Orlenko taught russian language and history in Melitopol and Odesa. M. Yatlov taught in schools Berdyansk County. B. Jusko taught history at Odesa High School LK Hinkulovoyi and Iliadi, was the author of several works. F.M. Bondarenko became official in city government in Odesa, Odesa Ukrainian member of «Prosvita». For departments Cossacks as follows: 7 - History and Philology; 27 - of Physics (of which 14 - Natural compartment 13 - mathematics); 24 - law school; 22 - Medical Faculty. For families Cossack troops said persons representing almost all varieties: Ukrainian, left bank, Cossacks (including settlers in southern Ukraine) - 27; Kuban - 31; Don - 11; Terek - 4; Volga - 2; Trans-Baikal - 2. Being of three persons not clear, but inclined to believe that native Odessa L.S. Masenko and P.I. Polyakov were of Ukrainian Cossacks, P.A. Mahnachev to Terek. Obviously, the first two groups were common, Ukrainian roots. Help to train some people Cossack origin was a special scholarship Kuban Cossacks. In 1869 - 1870 years this scholarship received 4 people. In the years 1884-1885 this was one student scholarship of 300 rubles, in 1886, one student at a rate of 420 rubles. The conclusion of the article. In Novorosiys’k university taught and learned people who have ancestors of the Cossacks, the sons of the Cossacks, Cossacks and proper. Some of them made contributions to science and culture. In the future, it is necessary to investigate how the Cossack origin affect learning, the creation of individual societies, social circle. Probably find more people of the Cossacks, who studied at the Novorosiys’k university, especially in 1914-1920, respectively.
Ключові слова
козаки, студенти, викладачі, Новоросійський університет, Одеса, казаки, студенты, преподаватели, Новороссийский университет, Одесса, Cossacks, students, teachers, Novorosiys’k university, Odesa
Бібліографічний опис
Чорноморська минувшина : записки відділу історії козацтва на Півдні України