Сучасний стан геодемографічних процесів в Одеському регіоні на засадах нового адміністративного устрою
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті розглянуто питання сучасного стану геодемографічних процесів
в Одеському регіоні на засадах нового адміністративного устрою. Для досяг-
нення вказаної мети були проведені дослідження, в результаті яких встанов-
лено, що головними чинниками, які впливають на геодемографічні процеси
в регіоні є депопуляція, яка частково компенсується позитивною міграцією. Це
указує на необхідність перегляду демографічної політики в регіоні в рамках
проведення реформи децентралізації.
Problem Statement and Purpose. The article examines the current state of geodemographic processes in the Odesa region on the basis of the new administrative system. To achieve this goal, studies were conducted, as a result of which it was established that the main factor affecting geodemographic processes in the region is depopulation, which is partially compensated by positive migration. This indicates the need to revise the demographic policy in the region as part of the decentralization reform. The purpose of this article is to conduct and analyze the geodemographic process (GDP) in the Odesa region in modern conditions of transformation of social relations and administrative reform. Within the scope of achieving the goal, the following tasks were completed: an analysis of the administrative-territorial system in the Odesa region was carried out, particularly in the focus of GDP changes, to analyze the dynamics of demographic indicators, the rate of birth, death rate, natural increase/decrease of the population, migration increase. Data & Methods. When writing the article, traditional general scientific methods were used, which were combined with special methods of population demography and geography research. Statistical materials of the demographic situation at the national and regional levels were used for data analysis, and statistical and specific demographic methods were used for their subject processing. Excel software was used for data processing for the obtained results. When writing the work, data from official statistics were used. Results. In order to improve the geodemographic situation in Odesa, the necessary regional programs should be adopted, which should be aimed at increasing the birth rate, creating new jobs, improving the population’s life and improving its quality, reducing mortality rates, supporting young families, etc. Implementation requires a systematic approach and balanced decisions of regional and executive authorities.
Problem Statement and Purpose. The article examines the current state of geodemographic processes in the Odesa region on the basis of the new administrative system. To achieve this goal, studies were conducted, as a result of which it was established that the main factor affecting geodemographic processes in the region is depopulation, which is partially compensated by positive migration. This indicates the need to revise the demographic policy in the region as part of the decentralization reform. The purpose of this article is to conduct and analyze the geodemographic process (GDP) in the Odesa region in modern conditions of transformation of social relations and administrative reform. Within the scope of achieving the goal, the following tasks were completed: an analysis of the administrative-territorial system in the Odesa region was carried out, particularly in the focus of GDP changes, to analyze the dynamics of demographic indicators, the rate of birth, death rate, natural increase/decrease of the population, migration increase. Data & Methods. When writing the article, traditional general scientific methods were used, which were combined with special methods of population demography and geography research. Statistical materials of the demographic situation at the national and regional levels were used for data analysis, and statistical and specific demographic methods were used for their subject processing. Excel software was used for data processing for the obtained results. When writing the work, data from official statistics were used. Results. In order to improve the geodemographic situation in Odesa, the necessary regional programs should be adopted, which should be aimed at increasing the birth rate, creating new jobs, improving the population’s life and improving its quality, reducing mortality rates, supporting young families, etc. Implementation requires a systematic approach and balanced decisions of regional and executive authorities.
Ключові слова
geodemographic processes, Odesa region, administrative system, decentralization, геодемографічні процеси, Одеський регіон, адміністративний устрій, децентралізація
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald