Перегляд за Автор "Balobanova, Daria"
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Документ Conceptual foundations for the systematization of crimes against the basics of national security of Ukraine and some other countries(2022) Chuvakov, Oleh A.; Balobanova, Daria; Samadova, Shakhla; Barbul, Pavlo; Чуваков, Олег Анатолійович; Чуваков, Олег АнатольевичCrimes against national security (CaNS) are considered the most dangerous encroachment on public relations, aimed at maintaining independence, defense, and the general constitutional order of the state. The lack of proper legal protection of these social relations prevents the stable functioning of the state and its institutions, which is interrelated with the fight against crime. Given this, it is essential to analyze the ground for the systematization of CaNS and a strong theoretical basis for the study. The article aims to analyze the general principles of systematization of CaNS. The object of the study is the diversity of ways of systematization of CaNS in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and other countries. During the research, such methods were used as a generalization, formal-legal method, method of analysis of normative documents, articles and monographs, comparative-legal method. As a result of the study, the main ways of systematization of CaNS in different countries are examined and main characteristics of systematization are settled.