Secular decrease the flux of supernova remnant cas a on monitoring results to radiotelescope "URAN-4" IRA NASU
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
This work is dedicated to the study of
secular decrease of the flux of young supernova remnant
Cas A according to observations by radio- telescope
"URAN-4» of Odessa Observatory IRA NASU from
1987 to 2001 years on frequency of 25 MHz. On the
investigation base there is a relationship analysis of flux
CasA to the "stable" source – radio-galaxy Cyg A
(CasA/Cyg A) which is located on a small angular
distance. Results of the observations held on RT «URAN-
4» show that there is no noticeable decrease of fluxes in
the period 1987-1993, with the relationship ratio
(CasA/Cyg A) = 1.5. While considering data from 1987 to
2001 manifested a slight decrease trend in flux equal to
8.4% for the all period. At the same time, according to
various investigations the average value flux of Cas A in
the interval of frequencies 38-2924 MHz is 0.8% per year.
At the meantime in this frequency the range ratio
(CasA/Cyg A) has become less than one. Thus, there is a
noticable contradiction of secular decrease of the flux Cas
A on this radio frequencies in comparison with the
predictions of the theory in 1.7% per year.
Ключові слова
supernova remnant, radioemission
Бібліографічний опис
Odessa Astronomical publications = Одесские астрономические публикации = Одеські астрономічні публікації