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Документ Cold seeps and mud volcanoes of the Black Sea region: tectonics, lithology, geophysics, and biogeochemistry(S.n., 2008) Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Шнюков, Євген Федорович; Іноземцев, Ю. І.; Паришев, О. О.; Коніков, Євген Георгійович; Кадурін, Сергій Володимирович; Педан, Галина Сергіївна; Сминтина, Олена Валентинівна; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Шнюков, Евгений Федорович; Иноземцев, Ю. И.; Парышев, A. А.; Коников, Евгений Георгиевич; Кадурин, Сергей Владимирович; Педан, Галина Сергеевна; Смынтына, Елена Валентиновна; Inozemtsev, Yu.; Paryshev, A.; Konikov, Yevhenii G.; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Kadurin, Serhii V.; Pedan, Halyna S.; Smyntyna, Olena V.; Shniukov, Yevhen F.Mud volcanoes at the bottom of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov have been studied for more than 20 years. The priority in investigating mud volcanoes belongs to a group of researchers under the guidance of one of the authors, E. Shnyukov. Data on their lithological structure, gSochemistry of deposits, water chemistry, and thermal condition of the deposits are available in many publications (Konyukhov et al., 1990; Shnyukov et al., 2003; Shnyukov and Kobolev, 2004; Stadnitskaya and Belen'kaya, 2000; and others).Документ Ecological aspects of mud volcano activities in the Azov-Black Sea region(Astroprint, 2011) Maslakov, Mykolai O.; Shniukov, Yevhen F.; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Маслаков, Николай А.; Маслаков, Микола О.; Шнюков, Євген Федорович; Шнюков, Евгений Федорович; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина ВенедиктівнаSince 1990, the Ukrainian-Russian team of scientists headed by the second author of this presentation has performed multidisciplinary research on mud volcano activity in the Azov-Black Sea region over the course of dozens of onshore and offshore expeditions carried out aboard various Ukrainian R/Vs. These expeditions enabled the mapping of mud volcanoes on the sea bottom and on land, and they have provided some insight into their physical and gasbiogeochemical properties, origin, as well as ecological aspects of their activity (Shnyukov et al., 2005a).Документ Geological and Geomorphological Factors and Marine Conditions of the Azov-Black Sea Basin and Coastal Characteristics as They Determine Prospecting for Seabed Prehistoric Sites on the Continental Shelf(2017) Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Shniukov, Yevhen F.; Pasynkov, Anatoly; Sorokin, Valentin; Kuprin, Pavlo; Maslakov, Mykolai O.; Motnenko, Irena; Smyntyna, Olena V.; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Шнюков, Євген Федорович; Шнюков, Евгений Федорович; Пасинков, Анатлоій; Пасынков, Анатолий; Сорокин, Валентин; Сорокін, Валентин; Купрін, Павло; Куприн, Павел; Маслаков, Николай А.; Маслаков, Микола О.; Мотненко, Ірена; Мотненко, Ирэна; Сминтина, Олена Валентинівна; Смынтына, Елена ВалентиновнаThe Black Sea lies at the junction of three major cultural areas: Europe, Central Asia, and the Near East. The history of primary occupation and cultural exploitation of the Black Sea basin goes back to 1.89 million years ago (Dmanisi, Georgia), as is documented by numerous open-air archaeological sites, the frequency of which indicates a high concentration of human activity fromthe Lower Paleolithic to the Early Iron Age (O¨ zdog˘an 2007). Comprehensive study of these sites contributes to some of the most interesting debates in European prehistory, among which are the spread of anatomically modern humans, the transition to an agricultural economy, the repercussions of early urbanization across Eurasia, and others, which play a crucial role in enduring discussions about the impact of complex Near Eastern societies on European societies. Fluctuations in sea level and the commensurate shrinking and expansion of littoral areas had considerable impact on the settlement pattern of prehistoric societies of the Black Sea region, and submerged archaeological landscapes are highly possible (Stanko 2007).Документ Mud volcanism of the Black sea region(2017) Shniukov, Yevhen F.; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Шнюков, Євген Федорович; Шнюков, Евгений ФедоровичThe Black Sea region encompasses the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, and their coasts, and it Has been inhabited by humans for at least the last 1.8 million years. The region is unique in its Geological features and contains the largest meromictic basin in the world, with an area of 423,000 km2. The region was formed in the Mesozoic era as a back-arc structure above the Northward subducting Tethyan oceanic lithosphere. It is surrounded by Alpide fold belts and Consists mainly of two large sub-basins (Western and Eastern) separated by the NW-SE Trending Mid-Black Sea Ridge. The Black Sea basin holds great promise for providing new Non-traditional energy sources to surrounding countries, along with most of Europe, due to The presence of huge methane resources stored in gas hydrates beneath the seafloor. These Resources are estimated to be between 25 and 49 trillion m3, which makes them several times Greater than any other known gas reservoirs on Earth.Документ Mud volcanoes of the Azov-Black Sea basin, onshore and offshore(S.n., 2010) Shniukov, Yevhen F.; Maslakov, Mykolai O.; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Шнюков, Евгений Федорович; Шнюков, Євген Федорович; Маслаков, Николай А.; Маслаков, Микола О.The term "mud volcano" generally is applied to a more or less violent eruption or surface extrusion of watery mud or clay which is almost invariably accompanied by methane gas. Mud volcanism is a geological phenomenon that is widespread on the Earth. The most ancient Early Paleozoic mud volcanoes are known from Decaturville, Missouri, in North America (Zimmermann and Amstutz, 1972). In the Black Sea, Cretaceous mud volcanoes are known in the near-mountain area of the northwestern Caucasus. Numerous traces of mud volcanism are present in Chokrakian, Sarmatian, and Kimmcrian deposits of the Kerch-Taman region. The activity of mud volcanoes in Kimmerian time led to the formation of the Azov-Black Sea iron ore province and, connected to this, compensated or compressed geosynclinals.Документ The multiple dimensions of the Black sea degassing and response of biota to methane emissions in the Black sea(2013) Shniukov, Yevhen F.; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Шнюков, Евгений Федорович; Шнюков, Євген ФедоровичThe Black Sea is the largest anoxic basin in the world that holds great promise for new non-traditional energy sources to supply the Black Sea countries and most of Europe as well due to the presence of huge methane resources stored in gas hydrates beneath the sea floor. The presence of methane is evident from outbursts of submarine mud volcanoes as well as numerous high-intensity gas seeps that release huge quantities of methane into the water column. While gas hydrates accumulate methane, submarine mud volcanoes, gas seeps, and gas bogs release it into the water column. This presentation identifies these Gas Related Features (GRFs) as either accumulating or degassing. GRFs are well known proxies for predicting the presence of oil and gas fields at depth.Документ The role of geological factors in the formation of H2S contamination in the Black Sea(Astroprint, 2011) Shniukov, Yevhen F.; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Шнюков, Євген Федорович; Шнюков, Евгений ФедоровичThe Black Sea formed within an east-west trending elliptical depression with a surface area of 436,400 km2,a water volume of 547,000 m3,and a water depth reaching 2212 m at its lowest point.It is the world's largest (423,000 km2) meromictic basin,where the deep waters do not mix with the upper layers that receive oxygen from the atmosphere.As a result,over 90% of the deeper Black Sea volume is contaminated by H2S and is lifeless.There is a trend of increasing H2S concentration in the seawater with increasing depth.One liter of Black Sea water contains 0.19, 0.83, 2.34, 8.48, and 9.6 mg/1 of H2S at water depths of 150, 200, 300, 1000,and 2000 m,respectively (Zaitsev, 1998).While the trend is obvious,the figures may be adjusted because the upper boundaries of H2S exposures vary.Документ Проблемы углеводородного потенциала Черного моря и пути его освоения(2017) Шнюков, Евгений Федорович; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Шнюков, Євген Федорович; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Shniukov, Yevhen F.; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.Черное море геологически хорошо изучено . Выявлен и освоен ряд газовых месторождений . Вместе с тем , геологические данные по дегазации морского дна бассейна показывают грандиозные масштабы его газоносности . Тысячи газовых факелов и многочисленные грязевые вулканы выбрасывают струи метана высотой до 1300 м, обломки газогидратов (преимущественно метана ), нефть. Возникает явное противоречие , с одной стороны , между мощью грязевых вулканов и массой газовых факелов, обилием газовыделений , а с другой – относительно низкой эффективностью разведочных работ на нефть и газ . В этих условиях не вольно возникает вопрос о пересмотре догматов концепции биогенного происхождени я угле водородов. Корни грязевых вулканов Черного моря прослеживаются в мезозое и даже достигают по верхности Мохо. Сопочная брекчия содержит многие флюидогенные минералы , оплавленные агрегаты – сфер улышаровидной формы , что указывает на очевидное участие глубинных процессов в формировании грязевых вулканов и свидетельствует о неорганическом происхождении нефти в Черном море . Предлагается вернуться к старой идее И.М. Губкина – поискам углеводородов вблизи грязевых вулканов, но на новой основе – на признании происхождения грязевых вулканов как продукта внедрившихся глубинных флюидов.