Yushchenko, V. A.Yushchenko, A. V.Gopka, Vera F.Shavrina, Angelina V.Kovtyukh, Valery V.Hong, K. S.Mkrtichian, D.A-Thano, N.2017-02-222017-02-222016Odessa Astronomical Publicationshttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9422The runaway supergiant star HIP 13962 (spectral type G0Ia) was recently pointed as a possible former binary companion of young pulsar PSR J0826+2637. The spectra of HIP 13962 were obtained in Haute-Provence observatory (France), in Bohuynsan observatory (Korea), and also in NARIT (Thailand) with 1.9, 1.8, and 2.4 meter telescopes respectively. The spectra were obtained in 1995, 2003, 2005, 2014, and 2015. Significant variations of the spectrum are detected. The cores of strong lines show complicated structure, the brightness of the star is variable. The cycles of photometric variations have been changed. We analyzed the spectral observations and present the preliminary chemical composition for elements from iron to lead. The abundance pattern can not be fitted by solar system r- & s-process abundance distribution.enstars: individual: HIP 13962stars: abundancesHIP 13962 - the possible former member of binary system with supernovaArticle