Байло, Олена ВолодимирівнаBailo, Olena V.2023-03-092023-03-092022Правова держава = Сonstitutional Statehttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34597У статті розглянуті питання застосування спрощеного режиму правового регулювання трудових правовідносин відповідно до національного законодавства. Особлива увага приділена визначенню істотних умов трудового договору. Наголошено на тому, що відсутність спеціальних норм, які б визначали зміст трудового договору в Кодексі законів про працю України спричинює певні складнощі у правозастосовній практиці. У статті висвітлена низка питань, які потребують деталізації та уточнення з боку законодавця, для ефективного використання спрощеного режиму регулювання трудових правовідносин. Висловлено застереження про можливість зловживання роботодавцем своїх прав у питаннях припинення трудових правовідносин з підстав не передбачених ані Кодексом законів про працю України, ані домовленістю сторін трудового договору.The Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine was supplemented by Chapter III-B “Simplified mode of regulation of labor relations”. Like any new legal institution, the institution of a simplified regime for the regulation of labor relations raises a number of questions in law enforcement practice. A feature of the simplified regime of regulation of labor relations is the “simplified” procedure for organizing document circulation at the workplace. In connection with the emphasis on the employment contract (Part 4, Article 21 of the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine), as a means of regulating labor relations, employers who use the simplified regime are not subject to the “requirements for keeping documentation on personnel matters, adopting local normative acts and organizational and administrative documentation, including regarding the regime of working hours and rest time, vacations, as well as other documents on issues regulated by the employment contract”. It is only mandatory to keep records of the employee’s performance of labor activities in electronic form. The article pays special attention to the problems of content of the employment contract. There are no special regulations on the content of the employment contract in the current Labor Code of Ukraine. In general, the content of the employment contract is provided for in the first part of Article 21 of the Labor Code of Ukraine, but the absence of special norms in the Code causes certain difficulties in law enforcement practice. The application of the simplified legal regime for the regulation of labor relations provides for the possibility of establishing the individual working conditions of the employee directly in the employment contract. Current labor legislation uses the term “working conditions” ambiguously. Giving primary importance to the terms of the employment contract under the simplified regime of regulation of labor relations actualizes the issue of the legal consequences of noncompliance by the parties with the conclusion of the employment contract with the requirements of the law. From the provisions of the Labor Code of Ukraine, it remains an unresolved issue whether the simplified legal regime for the regulation of labor relations will be transformed into the usual regime for their regulation or the simplified regime will be continued after the abolition of martial law. The institution of termination of labor relations in the conditions of a simplified regulatory regime is of interest. That is, in addition to the general terms of termination of employment relations, which are established by the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine and the terms of termination of employment relations, which the parties to the employment contract agreed upon when concluding it, the employer has the opportunity to terminate the employment relationship on other grounds with justification (specification) of the reasons for such termination and with the provision of compensation to the employee in the amount and in the order specified by the employment contract. The new simplified mode of regulation of labor relations needs to be finalized and harmonized with other normative legal acts in the field of labor.ukспрощений режимсвобода трудового договоруістотні умови трудового договоруумови праціприпинення трудового договоруsimplified modefreedom of employment contractessential conditions of the employment contractworking conditionstermination of the employment contractОкремі аспекти застосування спрощеного режиму регулювання трудових відносинSome aspects of the application of the simplified regulation of labor relationsArticlehttps://doi.org/10.18524/2411-2054.2022.48.267965