Янко-Хомбах, Валентина ВенедиктівнаАфанансєва, М. С.Алєксєєв, Олександр С.Проніна-Нестелл, Галина П.Вукс В. Я.Янко-Хомбах, Валентина ВенедиктовнаАфанасьева, М. С.Алексеев, Александр С.Пронина-Нестелл, Галина П.Вукс, В. Я.Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.Afanasieva, M. S.Alekseev, Alexander S.Pronina-Nestell, Galina P.Vuks, V. Ja.2018-11-082018-11-082013Paleontological Journalhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19436The study of microorganisms is an indispensable element of fundamental research in the fields of ecology, microbiology, and micropaleontology and the role of microorganisms as indicators of contamination and ecological changes in modern and ancient marine and freshwater basins constantly increases.enmicroorganismsmicropaleontologymicrobiology6th International Conference on Environmental Micropaleontology, Microbiology, and Meiobenthology (EMMM-2011)Article