Horodovenko, ViktorBilovodska, OlenaVatras, VolodymyrKanzafarova, Ilona S.Melnyk, RomanКанзафарова, Ілона СтаніславівнаКанзафарова, Илона Станиславовна2022-07-012022-07-012021Estudios De Economia Aplicadahttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33273In the paper the authors improved the methodological approach to quantitative assessment of the image of a higher education establishment (HEE). This approach is based on the structure of the image of higher education establishment (educational process quality, training costs, visual characteristics of higher education establishments, stability of student intake and employment graduates, educational and extracurricular work as for applicants, corporate culture and traditions) for selected target audiences, provides comprehensive assessment and takes into account the significance (weight) of selected parameters evaluation. The image of higher education establishments was evaluated for three groups of the target audience: applicants, their parents and first-year students of higher education establishments of Ukraine. It was based on the real data of existing higher education establishments of Ukraine and EU, and online survey of 756 people. The author's approach is important for the general approach to the management of the HEE image, analysis and selection of forms, methods, mechanisms and tools of such management, search and justification of the place and role of image management in the management of the entire higher education establishment.enImage assessmentHigher education establishmentEducational processInformationOnline surveyTarget audienceLegal aspects of higher education establishments’ activityEvaluación de la imagenCentro de enseñanza superiorProceso educativoInformaciónEncuesta en líneaPúblico objetivoAspectos jurídicos de la actividad de los centros de enseñanza superiorImproving the Quality of Higher Education Based on the Positive Image of HEE in the Social and Information Space: Legal and Management AspectsLa Mejora de la Calidad de la Educación Superior Basada en la Imagen Positiva de la EES en el Espacio Social y de la Información: Aspectos Jurídicos y de GestionArticle10.25115/eea.v39i7.4996