Мірось, Світлана ЛеонідівнаБілоконь, Світлана ВасилівнаМирось, Светлана ЛеонидовнаБелоконь, Светлана ВасильевнаMiros, Svitlana L.Bilokon, Svitlana V.2020-01-272020-01-272019Проблеми і перспективи розвитку природничих наук у контексті модернізації середньої та вищої школи : зб. матеріалів Всеукр. наук.-метод. Інтернет-конф. (Одеса ,10-11 жовт. 2019 р.). – Одеса : Одеський нац. ун-т, 2019.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27143The Irish school education system includes primary and secondary schools which are separate from each other and have its own leadership, headed by the principal. Children in Ireland go to first grade of primary school at age 6. Secondary school education begins at age 12. The Irish secondary school system provides 6 years of study, which are divided into 2 cycles – junior and senior cycles. The junior cycle includes 3 years of study. Upon completion of their junior year of high school, students take an external state exam and receive a Junior Certificate. Students study up to 9 subjects in total.enteachingnatural sciencesschoolsTeaching of natural sciences at schools in irelandArticle