Lykhodedova, Olha H.Konikov, Yevhenii G.2012-04-182012-04-182006Black sea – mediterranean corridor during the last 30 ky: sea level change and human adaptation (2005–2009) : ІІ plenary meeting and field trip of project IGCP-521 (Odessa, 20–28 August 2006). – Odessa : Astroprint, 2006.Збірка тез доповідей 2-ї конференції та польових екскурсій за Проектом IGCP- 521»Чорноморсько-Середземноморський Коридор упродовж останніх 30 тис.років: зміни рівня моря та адаптація людини» (2005-2006). Одеса,20-28 серпня,2006 р.-Одеса:Астрапринт,2006The statistical parameters that characterize sea-level regime along the NW Black Sea have been calculated and analyzed.Monthly and yearly averages of sea level position for the 1876-2002 observation period (Odessa station) were used to study fluctuations in sea level.We performed spectral (Fourier Transform) and frequency-temporal (Wavelet) analyses of time domains, which characterize the level changes in the study region.The cross- correlation analysis of sea-level regime and water balance was also included in the study.We compared the low-frequency elements of water-level regime with factors that characterize climate changes in the Northern Hemisphere in the 20th century. Wavelet analysis provides wide possibilities for investigating time-domain periodicity. The basis of this method was generated in the mid 1980s by Grossman and Morle as an alternative to Fourier transform to be used for temporal/spatial domains with expressed heterogeneity. Wavelet transform divides the analyzed process into its constituent waves and components of various scales, and also provides time-specific process information.enwavelet-transformtime domainperiodicitysolar activity Main goalModeling of centennial Black Sea level changes as a basis for forecastingArticle