Vaksman, Yurii F.Nitsuk, Yurii A.Pavlov, V. V.Purtov, Yu. N.Nasibov, A. S.Shapkin, P. V.Ваксман, Юрій ФедоровичНіцук, Юрій Андрійович2018-06-062018-06-062004Фотоэлектроника = Photoelectronics electrical conductivity of Z n S e :In crystals doped by indium du rin g growth and crystals subjected to diffusion doping by indium from a melt are investigated. It is shown th a t electrical conductivity of Z n S e :In crystals doped by indium during growth is controlled by donors In J,, In f 1- and com p en sa tin g acceptors — zinc vacancies, cen ters (VZnInZn). In crystals subjected to diffusion by indium from melt, electrical conductivity is controlled by shallow donors The an n ea lin g of Z n S e :In crystal in zinc melt gives the decrease in co ncentra tion of com p en sa tin g acceptors and increase of crystal conductivity.encrystalsdiffusionzincacceptorsElectrical conductivity Of ZnSe : In Crystals, Obtained by free growthArticle