Bayraktar, Vasyl M.Polukarova, L. A.Байрактар, Василь МиколайовичПолукарова, Лилия АнатольевнаБайрактар, Василий Николаевич2022-09-282022-09-282017Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal). - 2017. research of macrophyte species, their content, quantity, biochemical properties and hydro-chemical content of water, mud in the Tiligul estuary was done. According to the results which were received the assessment of the ecological situation of Tiligul estuary was made during five years, from 2012 till 2017. It was established that closing the cannel which connected Tiligul estuary and the Black Sea the salinity of water in the estuary began to increase. However the increase of the salinity of water didn’t affect the growth, the development and the quantity of macrophytes. Thus the coastal aquatories of the estuary was settled by green and red species of microphytes.rulittoral aquatoriesTiligul estuarymacrophytegreen and red algaeEcological status of littoral aquatories the Tiligul estuary and recreational areasЭкологическое состояние прибрежных акваторий Тилигульского лимана и рекреационных участковArticle