Яворська, Вікторія ВолодимирівнаЯворская, Виктория ВладимировнаYavorska, Viktoriia V.Тодоров, В'ячеслав ІвановичТодоров, Вячеслав ИвановичTodorov, Vyacheslav I.2016-02-242016-02-242013Jornal of Danubian studies and Researchhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8047Двухвековой период заселения и хозяйственного освоения территории привел к сформировавшейся системе городского и сельского расселения, являющийся каркасной основой локализации и развития народнохозяйственного комплекса региона.The state of geo-demographic situation in the Danube region, which is formed during this period is examined. Unfortunately, in recent time within the Danube Region geodemographic indicators have worsened (decreased natality, quickly began to grow on mortality rates), as a result is a population loss due to natural causes. Although the overall performance of geodemographic process here is much better than in other administrative areas of the Odessa region, yet in the Danube region for the last years, they are characterized by negative values and the population here is also reduced mainly due to natural causes.rupopulation loss due to natural causesgeo-demographic situationnatalitymortalitydepopulationGeo-demographic Features of the Formation Process in the Danube Region of UkraineArticle