Dereziuk, Nataliia V.Medinets, Volodymyr I.2012-10-222012-10-222008-102nd biannual and Black sea scene EC project joint conference [“Climate change in the Black sea – hypothesis, observations, trends, scenarios and mitigation strategy for the ecosystem”], (Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-9 October, 2008) / EC. Р. 52 is known, that global climatic changes influenced on all biological processes especially in marine environment. The main goal of our investigations was to find quantitative and correlation connections between climatic and phytoplankton community changes in the Black Sea during the last 30 years. As primary data, we used the results of processing of phytoplankton's samples collected in 1985-2007 in the framework of research and monitoring projects in the Ukrainian part of the Black Sea which carried out by the Ukrainian Scientific Centre of the Ecology of Sea and Odessa National Mechnikov University.enphytoplanktonbiodiversitylong-term changesBlack seaAnalysis of biodiversity of phytoplankton on the Ukrainian Black Sea shelf (the end of XX – beginning of XXI centuryArticle