Bayraktar, Vasyl M.Байрактар, Василь Миколайович2023-12-062023-12-062023Mechanisms of pathological processes development and diseases, their pharmacological correction : collected papers of the 6th scientific and practical internet-conference for the international participation (Kharkiv, November 16, 2023) [Механізми розвитку патологічних процесів і хвороб та їх фармакологічна корекція : 6 наук.-практ. Інтернет-конф з міжнар. участю (Харків, 16 листоп. 2023 р.)]. – Kharkiv : NUPh, 2023 [Харків : НФаУ, 2023]. – P. 23–24. pathophysiology of prostate conditions is presented in a complex study in EPS.The goal of the research was to identify pathological processes in the prostate for both preclinical and clinical cases. The study included measuring the amount of white blood cells, macrophages, content of lecithin grains, amyloid bodies, and amount of cylindrical epithelium. The results obtained are crucial for the diagnosis of prostate conditions and can be used to determine the best treatment approach.enchronic prostatitischronic prostate inflammationprostatic secretionprostatitis symptomspathological processes in the prostatePathophysiology and condition of prostate in sufferers of chronic inflammationArticle