Яковенко, Людмила ІванівнаЯковенко, Людмила ИвановнаYakovenko, Ludmyla I.2016-09-302016-09-302015Записки з українського мовознавства = Opera in linguistica ukrainianahttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8767В статті досліджено базові концепти мовної картини світу у поетичному дискурсі В. Свідзинського, прослідковано їхні зв'язки з національною традицією, простежено внутрішню природу поетичного образу, ті «вихідні пункти», з яких поет осмислював сучасну йому дійсність.В статье исследованы базовые концепты языковой картины мира в поэтическом дискурсе В. Свидзинского, прослежены их связи с национальной традицией, рассмотрена внутренняя природа поэтического образа, те «исходные позиции», с которых поэт осмысливал действительность.The base concepts of language picture of the world in poetical discourse by V. Sveedzinsky are researched in the article. Those concept's relationships are tracked to the Ukrainian national tradition. Internal nature of the poetical image is researched. Also, the source points, which the poet used to comprehend reality, are analyzed. Poet's value priorities are harmony, love, consent, Motherland, garden (as environment of existence, as life), death, time, solitude, silence. They are interconnected and make poet's aggregate picture of the world. There is no distinct limit between some of them. For example, concept Motherland interlinks with concept love, silence with solitude, love with harmony. Picturesque and conceptual representation of a significant part of concepts {love, time, death, garden) is implemented in keeping with Christian culture, that is determined by the tradition of behavior and education. These concepts, except traditional sense are filled with individual-authorial content that makes them marked and differs then from many others. Thus, common cultural concepts represent a poet natural construction material for making individual concepts. At the same time in the traditional soviet literature of the 20s- 40s years such values as love, sympathy, silence, solitude were not promoted and so on. Critics acknowledged the poet timeless. Importance of V. Sveedzinsky's artistic legacy lies in the fact that his scope of values completes spiritual vacuum that was shaped in the Ukrainian literature of the stated period.ukпоетичний дискурсконцептціннісні пріоритетимовна картина світупоэтический дискурсценностные приоритетыязыковая картина мираpoetical discourseconceptvalue prioritieslanguage picture of the worldЦіннісна ієрархія митця у поезії В. СвідзинськогоЦенностная иерархия поэта в произведениях В. СвидзинскогоThe hierarchy of an artist's values in the poetry of V. SveedzinskyArticle