Dobrovolska, Diana M.Добровольська, Діана МихайлівнаДобровольська, Людмила ВолодимирівнаDobrovolska, L. V.2022-08-082022-08-082021Прикладна лінгвістика на Півдні України: здобутки і перспективи: зб. матеріалів: 1 Міжнар. Конгрес (22-23 верес. 2021 р., м. Одеса) / ОНУ ім. І. І. Мечникова, Філологічний ф-т [та ін.]. – Одеса: Одеський нац. ун-т, 2021. the Globalization has been penetrating all spheres of human life, the sphere of University education being not an exception. There are numerous manifestations of this process, the appearance of multicultured academic groups is among them. Multicultured academic groups, having definite characteristics from the methodological point of view, present certain peculiarities as to the groups’ organization, management and subjects teaching.The authors investigate the phenomenon “multicultured groups” and define their characteristics from the psycholinguistic point of view, present their recommendations as to ESP teaching.eninformationtechnologiesteachingInformation technologies as an inalienable component of esp teachingArticle