Веремйов, Кирил Валерійович2023-06-202023-06-202022Веремйов, К. В. Алгоритми побудови оптимального маршруту на основі геоданих : дипломна робота бакалавра / К. В. Веремйов. – Одеса, 2022. – 34 с.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/35496There are many criteria for optimality. For the case when you are in a hurry, the most optimal route for you will probably be the fastest route. But for another occasion, for example when you want to take a walk, the most preferred route may be the most interesting and relaxing one. Let's look at this particular case. So, by optimization, we mean building to make the route more interesting. In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing the most interesting route. The solution was implemented by obtaining geodata, analyzing them and, depending on the settings, choosing the best points to visit and laying the path between them. For implementation, the option with a mobile application was chosen, as it allows you to easily and conveniently use the application in situations that are closest to use cases.en113 прикладна математикасистемаalgorithmoriented routeкільцевий маршрутtravelАлгоритми побудови оптимального маршруту на основі геоданихAlgorithms for constructing the optimal route based on geodataDiplomas