Gorbanev, Yuriy M.Konovalova, N. A.Davruqov, N. Kh.Горбаньов, Юрій МихайловичГорбанёв, Юрий Михайлович2022-06-302022-06-302021Journal of Physical Studieshttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33270This paper presents the results of a study of the existence of nine near-Earth meteorite-producing groups in asteroidal orbits, containing sporadic reballs from the IAU MDC-2007 database, sporadic meteors from the SonotaCo database, meteorites namely, L5, L6 and H4−H6 ordinary chondrites and an ureilite, for which atmospheric and orbital parameters are known from instrumental observations. Orbits of the selected members of meteorite-producing groups were classi ed as asteroid orbits according to the Tisserand parameter Tj > 3.1. Dynamic links between the members of the identi ed meteorite-producing groups and instrumentally observed known meteorites which were taken as a reference for the search of potential group members were tested using orbital similarity criteria, in particular the Drummond criterion DD and the Southworth and Hawkins criterion DSH. As a result, several meteorite-dropping sporadic reballs and small meteors, whose orbits are similar to the asteroid orbits of nine known meteorites, were detected and reckoned as possible members of meteorite-producing groups.enmeteorite-producing groupmeteorfireballmeteoriteordinary chondriteEarthcrossing orbitGroups of meteorites and meteorite-dropping fireballs in asteroidal orbitsArticlehttps://doi.org/10.30970/jps.25.4902