Брусиловська, Ольга ІллівнаБрусиловская, Ольга ИльиничнаBrusylovska, Olha I.Кусик, Л. С.Kusyk, L. S.2019-05-252019-05-252017Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманах.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/24259У результаті проведеного дослідження представлено порівняльну характеристику етапів розвитку зовнішньої політики США у 1823 – 1939 рр., простежено основні тенденції її розвитку. Визначені особливості впливу зовнішньополітичної ідеології США на політичну практику держави. The work is focused on analyzing the US foreign policy ideology and its impact on the policy of 1823-1939’s. The relevance of this topic is confirmed by the fact that today the United States of America is one of the most powerful actors in the international arena. The current geopolitical doctrines of the US have a strong influence on the formation of modern political map. Analysis of the shaping process of US foreign policy doctrinal foundations will help to understand and forecast the directions and goals of modern foreign policy of the United States in their relations with different countries and regions of the world. This work analyzes the main US wars and conflicts from 1823 to 1939: Mexican-American War, Spanish-American War, the First World War and etc. It also describes their historical role and influence on the US foreign policy evolution. In this conflicts we can see how the Monroe Doctrine was originated, its preconditions, origins and historical value. The characteristic features of the foreign policy of US Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft was also presented. The work is also analyzing their political activity and substantial value for the development of the United States. The doctrinal foundation of this period was based on the principles of “big stick” doctrine, “dollar diplomacy” and “gunboat diplomacy”. This work is giving the examples of their use and impact on the nature of US foreign policy. The next step of evolution process was connected to the situation in Latin American in interwar period and was connected with foreign policy of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The work reveals their role on consolidating the US position in the political arena as a hyper-state and new global power. As a result, the study presenting comparative characteristics of the stages of the US foreign policy evolution in 1823-1939’s and traced its’ development.otherідеологіядоктринальні основиеволюціязовнішня політикаideologydoctrinal foundationsevolutionforeign policyЗовнішньополітична ідеологія США та її вплив на політику 1823 – 1939 роківUS FOREIGN POLICY IDEOLOGY AND ITS IMPACT ON THE POLICY OF 1823- 1939’sArticle