Игина, Елена ВладимировнаІгіна, Олена ВолодимирівнаIhina, Olena V.2016-07-212016-07-212015Записки з романо-германської філології = Writings in Romance-Germanic Philologyhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8605Статья посвящена рассмотрению анималистического нарратива “The Last Family in England”, его композиции, лексической организации, влиянию животных нарраторов/ фокализаторов на формирование основного концепта произведенияСтаття присвячена розгляду анімалістичного наративу “The Last Family in England”, його композиції, лексичній організації, впливу тварин – фокалізаторів/ нараторів на фор- мування концепту творуThe article is devoted to the analysis of “The Last Family in England”, an animalistic narrative, its composition, lexical structure, the influence of the animal – focalizer/ narrator on the formation of the text concept. The research has been conducted on the basis of the novel “The Last Family in England” by Matt Haig. The focalizer and the narrator of the novel is the Labrador named Prince. The life of the Hunter family is rendered through his eyes. The narrative which is produced by the creature unable to speak, is accepted by the reader “by default”as a stylistic device. The composition of the novel is unusual: the death announced at the very beginning of the novel is explained in the last chapter forming the frame structure. The whole narrative is represented as flashback. As always in animalistic narrative the problems which are revealed in the novel deal with people, their egotism, loneliness, anxiety.ruанималистический нарративпроблемы семьипакт лабрадораанімалістичний наративпроблеми сім’ їпакт лабрадораanimalistic narrativethe problems of the familyLabrador pactАнималистический нарратив о семье и ее проблемахАнімалістичний наратив про сім’ю та ії проблемиArticle