Perlova, Natalya O.Perlova, Olha V.Dzyazko, Yuliya SerhiivnaSazonova, Valentyna F.Halutska, I. Yu.Palchik, Alexey V.Перлова, Ольга ВікторівнаПерлова, Ольга ВикторовнаСазонова, Валентина ФедорівнаСазонова, Валентина Федоровна2018-05-042018-05-042016The International research and practice conference “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials” (NANO-2016). Abstract Book of participants of International Summer School and International research and practice conference, (24-27 August 2016, Lviv) order to obtain organic-inorganic ion-exchanger, the method, which involves reorganization of gel-like cation exchange matrix in non-aqueous media followed by zirconium hydrophosphate precipitation, has been proposed. Reorganization, which is confirmed with standard contact porosimetry and NMR 23Na spectroscopy, means a narrowing of nanosized transport pores of the polymer.enorganic-inorganicion-exchangergel-likeComposite ion-exchanger as prospective materials for sorption of uranium(VI) compoundsArticle