Колесніков, Сергій ВячеславовичKolesnikov, Serhii V.Колесников, Сергей Вячеславович2020-02-202020-02-2020196-th Gamow International Conference in Odessa "New trends in astrophysics, cosmology and hep after Gamow" and 19-th Gamow Summer School "Astronomy and beyond: astrophysics, cosmology, radioastronomy and astrobiology" (Ukraine, Odessa, Chernomorka, August 11-18, 2019)https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27254The applications of the method of aperture polarimetry to various astrophysical problems are reviewed. The method allows obtaining statistically based results both on large-diameter telescopes with high temporal resolution, and on medium-diameter telescopes.enastrophysical problemslarge-diameter telescopesmedium-diameter telescopesPolarimetric methods in astrophysicsArticle