Kalinyuk, O. O.2014-02-202014-02-202007Записки з романо-германської філології = Writings in Romance-Germanic Philologyhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4562The history of any literary tradition - a genre in this case - is complex and multifaceted. The focus in this article is limited to those events and trends in the history of American science fiction which seem most germane to the genre itself. The time history of the genre rangers from the undifferentiated "wonder stories" of the later 19th century through a mid- twentieth-century zenith of separation and self-awareness that began to break down by the late 1960s, mirroring the wider cultural upheavals of that period, and finally concluding with the cyberpunk sensibility of the early 1980s.enAmerican science fiction. The history of the genreArticle