Maslii, Natalia D.Mamunenko, Marina S.Маслій, Наталя ДмитрівнаМаслий, Наталья Дмитриевна2020-11-232020-11-232020«Economic and business administration development:scientific currencies and solutions» : abstracts І International scientific-practical conference, (Kyiv, October 22, 2020.). – K: NAU, 2020. all over the world, today in Ukraine the demand for freight transportation by inland waterways is growing. Cargo owners, primarily metallurgists and grain traders, are trying to reduce transportation costs and improve logistics in times of economic instability, rising fuel prices, and increasing disruptions to railways and roads due to the conflict in the east.enUkrainewater transportationcurrent problemsdevelopmentCurrent problems of the development of inland water transport of UkraineArticle