Коч, Світлана ВадимівнаКоч, Светлана ВадимовнаKoch, Svitlana V.Стойкова, Дар'я ГеннадіївнаStoikova, Daria H.2020-08-032020-08-032020Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманахhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28380Стаття присвячена розгляду, моніторингу та аналізу стану розвитку інформаційного суспільства, яке впливає на рівень розвиненості електронного урядування, створення високоорганізованого інформаційного середовища, яке обумовлює вирішення всього комплексу завдань, що висуваються суспільством та його складовим.This article is devoted to the development of e-government in Ukraine: informatization, the level of education and cybersecurity. The paper discusses the development factors, improvements and positive aspects of electronic control, but along with this also indicates the shortcomings and errors of the technology. The article examined many statistics regarding the level of cybersecurity in the world and Ukraine, given the experience in this matter of earlier years. These sources include The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018 and the Global Competitiveness Index. Also, much attention is paid to the education and information literacy of the population, since the level of informatization of a society is directly related to the level of informatization of education and is directly dependent on the appropriate equipping of educational institutions with the necessary equipment and software, as well as on the ability to use them effectively. To consider this aspect, such statistics as U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems and QS World University were used. The bulk of the work consists of an analysis of world experience in the development of e-government and its comparison with Ukraine. In conclusion, having examined all the components that affect this process, we can conclude that in our time, the development of e-government and all the components that affect it are very actively spreading and improving the issue of improving the efficiency of the state apparatus, that is, the reorganization and reengineering of administrative processes are becoming a practice plane of implementation using information technology. The use of electronic management tools makes it possible to sharply increase the quality of public services for citizens; it should be noted that a new level of their services will be achieved by transforming and improving the system of integration of departmental information systems and state, regional and municipal information resources.ukелектронне урядуванняінформатизаціярозвитоккібербезпекаосвітаіндексe-governmentinformatizationdevelopmentcybersecurityeducationindexРозвиток електронного урядування в Україні: інформатизація, рівень освіти та кібербезпекаDevelopment of E-Governance in Ukraine: Informatization, Level of Education and Cyber SecurityArticle