Horshkova, Olena H.Shtenikov, Mykola D.Korotaieva, Nadiia V.Voliuvach, Olha V.Горшкова, Олена ГеоргіївнаШтеніков, Микола ДмитровичКоротаєва, Надія ВолодимирівнаВолювач, Ольга В'ячеславівна2019-02-122019-02-122018Український біохімічний журнал = Украинский биохимический журнал = The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal : наук.-теорет. журн.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21629Close-bodied microorganisms are clearly delineated by the presence and percentage content of their cellular lipids of fatty acids. Particular attention is paid to the search for new and identification of non-pathogenic microorganisms intended for the purification of effluents from the production of pharmaceuticals, medical institutions with the predominant content of highly toxic phenolic compounds in them. The aim of the work is to establish the characteristics of the fatty acid profile of the nonpathogenic strain Brevibacillus centrosporus F14, a destructor of phenolic compounds isolated from sewage from Ukrainian pharmaceutical products.enBrevibacillus centrosporus F14gas chromatographyfatty acidMIDI Sherlock programFeatures of fatty strength profile of strain Brevibacillus centrosporus F14 – destructor of phenolic compoundsArticle