Vaksman, Yurii F.Nitsuk, Yurii A.Purtov, Yu. N.Ignatenko, S. A.Korostelin, Yu. V.Kozlovsky, V. I.Nasibov, A. S.Shapkin, P. V.Ваксман, Юрій ФедоровичНіцук, Юрій Андрійович2018-06-012018-06-012001Фотоэлектроника = Photoelectronics spectra of edge and long wavelength photoluminescence for single crystals ZnSe:In, obtained by free growth procedure are investigated. Spectrum of edge emission for low doped crystals ([In] = 1016 ст~ъ) is characterised by lines of emission of free excitons and donor-acceptor pairs (DAP). At concentrations of indium higher 1017 ctrr3, the emission of excitons, bounded on neutral zinc vacancies, appears. Spectrum of a long wavelength luminescence evidences the presence in the crystals, charged vacancies of zinc (V7 ., Vz2„) included in composition of DAP.ensemiconductorphotoluminescencecrystalsspectrophotometerLuminescence of Zinc Selenide Single Crystals doped with indiumArticle