Perlova, Natalya O.Perlova, Olha V.Dzyazko, Yuliya SerhiivnaSazonova, Valentyna F.Halutska, I. Yu.Перлова, Ольга ВікторівнаПерлова, Ольга ВикторовнаСазонова, Валентина ФедорівнаСазонова, Валентина Федоровна2018-05-022018-05-022016Proceedings of Ukrainian conference with international participation "Chemistry, physics and technology of surface" devoted to the 30th anniversary of the founding of Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine and Workshop "Nanostructured biocompatible / bioactive materials" (17-18 may, 2016). – Kyiv, 2016. problem o f uranium compounds removal from aqueous solutions remains valid for many years. To solve tliis problem, tire sorption methods дге used widely. A search o f sorbents, which would combine availability, cheapness, possibility of regeneration, absorption efficiency in a wide range of pH temperature, and concentration, is an important task. The aim o f this work was to establish an efficiency of sorbents of different nature towards removal of uranium compounds from model solutions.enuraniumcompounds removalsolutions remains validRemoval of the Uranium(VI) compounds from model solutions with sorbents of different natureArticle