Музичко, Олександр ЄвгеновичMuzychko, Oleksandr Ye.Музычко, Александр Евгеньевич2021-03-182021-03-182020Записки історичного факультету = Записки исторического факультетаhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/30516Метою цієї статті є просопографічний аналіз спільноти південноукраїнських істориків другої половини ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. Зроблено висновок, що до складу істориків, які працювали на території Південної України в останній період новочасної історії, входили різноманітні за соціальними характеристиками особи. Усіх їх єднав інтерес до історичного пізнання, хоч більшість з них до історії зверталися спорадично та в аматорський спосіб.The paper states that in the era of modernization, Southern Ukraine was crucial for the future fate of Ukraine and Eastern Europe, considering its powerful economic and cultural potential and an important geopolitical position. Such issues as historical heritage, historical memory and different visions of the past intensified in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, still remaining relevant nowadays. They reflected social trends and the factors that shaped this development. The processes of interaction between historiographic and social factors are worth a comprehensive reflection, because they have had a constant influence on the fate of Ukraine. The use of these principles is complemented by a number of special historical methods, in particular: searchspecific, cognitive, prosopographic, historical-geographical, problem-chronological, historical-statistical, historicalsystemic, structural-functional, comparative and descriptive. Within the framework of the basic methodological principles, such scientific principles as analysis, synthesis, analogy, abstraction and others were applied in the work, which made it possible to fully disclose the chosen topic in a consistent, logical and complete form. The practical significance of the work is that the factual material which was found, analyzed, thought out and put into scientific circulation as well as the theoretical pronciples of the work can be used in the general studies on the history of culture and education in Ukraine, in the appropriate lecture courses and manuals for secondary and higher education institutions, as well as in further research. It has been found that the source basis of our work consists of sources which were previously more or less studied in the historiography as well as the published ones, among which narrative materials demonstrate the major importance to us. In the paper it is noted that in spite of the declared positivism, the status of prophets and national messiahs prevented the majority of historians from being strictly scientifically objective. For many historians, positivism was only the scientific cutting-edge display behind which they concealed their public and national aspirations, giving greater credibility to their opinions. The historiographical process was a democratic branch that coopted and united around Clio representatives of almost all social, class, professional, etc. groups: priests of different denominations, military, diplomats, teachers, etc. Mainly, the study of history was the prerogative of urban dwellers, but gradually, rural lovers were drawn into the process. Involvement of women in the historiographical process became a notable manifestation of the emancipation of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. As in other regions, there was an organic, and sometimes conflicting symbiosis between history buffs and professionals, and professors were the major part of it. On the whole, having all the features of provincial historiography, the historical thought and science of Southern Ukraine both in the previous and the studied periods, as never before and after, moved from this "status" to system-forming centers.ukпросопографіяПівденна УкраїнаісторикиаматорствоісторіографіяprosopographySouthern UkrainehistoriansamateurismhistoriographyПросопографічний підхід у дослідженні історіографічного процесу на території Південної України (друга половини ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.)Prosopographic approach in the study of the historiographical process on the territory of Southern of Ukraine (second half of XIX - early XX century)Article