Шинкар, Марта Леонідівна2018-12-062018-12-062016Шинкар, М. Л. Образні порівняння в англійській фразеології = Similo in English Phraseology : дипломна робота бакалавра / М. Л. Шинкар; наук. кер. Л. Л. Ємельянова; ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова, Ф-т РГФ, Каф. лексикології та стилістики англійської мови. – Одеса, 2016. – 41 с.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20239Phraseology studies word-group which are functionally and semantically inseparable. These word-groups are called either set expressions or phraseological units or idioms. Phraseological units fill the gap in the lexical system of the language which cannot provide denomination of all new spheres of reality. In many cases they are the only denotation of the things, properties, processes, states, situations. Phraseology is a treasury of a language. History of the people, singularity of its culture is reflected in phraseologisms. In English phraseology national phraseologisms are mixed with international ones, so the English phraseological stock is a complicated conglomerate of native and borrowed phraseologisms with the apparent domination of the first onesother6.020303 філологіяcomparative conjunctionsсomparative phraseologicalbelonging to faunaОбразні порівняння в англійській фразеологіїSimilo in English PhraseologyOther