Nikola, Svitlana O.Нікола, Світлана ОлегівнаНикола, Светлана ОлеговнаDrozdyna, A. A.2021-04-222021-04-222021Проблеми та перспективи розвитку економіки України: погляд молоді : матеріали 13-ї Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (Черкаси, 6-7 квіт. 2021 р..). — Черкаси: ЧДБК, 2021. and technology achievements determine not only the dynamics of economic growth, but also the level of the state competitiveness in the world community. In the developed countries the tendency of development of high-tech goods and services has been growing from year to year. It cannot be said that this process is not observed in Ukraine at all, but its growth is slowing down. Despite the great availability of scientific and intellectual potential, our country does not worsen its indicators in the field of innovation, but does not increase them. Throughout the period of independence, Ukraine has failed to build an efficient economy based on knowledge, discovery and innovation. In general, this was due to inefficient and unreasonable actions of the authorities and due to non-implemented measures on innovation policy.enUkrainescientificintellectual potentialinnovationState of innovative development of Ukraine and features of introduction of new forms of innovative developmentArticle