Chaikovska, Maryna P.Chaykovskyy, Oleksandr A.Чайковська, Марина ПетрівнаЧайковская, Марина Петровна2018-10-202018-10-202018Наука и образование : сб. тр. XII Менедунар. науч. конференции, 1-9 июля 2018 г., г. Осло, Норвегия. - Хмельницкий : ХНУ, 2018. - 163 с. (укр., рус., анг.). global processes of informatization of the society cause dynamic growth of scale and variety of information tasks of the enterprise. In order to solve these tasks it is necessary to develop effective methodology of project management of IT projects (projects for the development, implementation and maintenance of information systems and components of their infiastructure) in accordance with the given organization's goats and strategies.enIT projectsproject managementCynefin framework in component-oriented model of IT-projects managementArticle